The Heir of Death - The Final Formula 3.5

Free The Heir of Death - The Final Formula 3.5 by Becca Andre

Book: The Heir of Death - The Final Formula 3.5 by Becca Andre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Andre
Tags: Fantasy
accomplished his goal. The snap of the lock was loud in the enclosed space.
    “Done,” Neil said.
    “And that will hold him?” Alexander asked.
    “It makes him human.”
    “How? He’s still dead.”
    “Something like human,” Neil said.
    Alexander looked up from his study of James to watch Neil.
    “What is it?” Neil asked.
    “You have a very confident air.”
    Neil shrugged. “I’m an alchemist. It’s a requirement.”
    “I don’t like alchemists.”
    “Because you’ve never had one on your side.”
    Alexander took a moment to consider this. “The grim is a creature of necromancy and alchemy. What is your opinion, can its handler be Made?”
    Elysia swallowed.
    “Stay away from her.” James fisted his hands.
    “I wouldn’t risk it,” Neil said as if no one had interrupted. “I have potions that can be used on his handler. The results are the same. I’ve used them before. Right, Elysia?”
    She glared at him, refusing to give an answer that would make him look good in front of Alexander.
    “Return to me. You can explain while we wait for the rain,” Alexander said.
    The portal shimmered open and Neil turned and walked toward it, seeming completely at ease. He glanced back, giving them a small smile before he stepped into the portal and was gone.
    Doug abruptly turned and staggered away. He made it halfway across the room before he dropped to his knees and retched.
    “Doug, please,” Elysia said. Now that the immediate threat was gone, she was so weary, she could barely force the words from her throat.
    “Yeah, man,” James added. “The odor of vomit won’t enhance this experience.”
    She glanced over at James, and he shrugged. She couldn’t decide if his comment amused or annoyed her.
    Doug managed to contain himself without making a mess, but he remained doubled over, his head almost touching his knees. It took Elysia a moment to realize he was crying. Stunned, she stared at him. Doug, with all his arrogance and swagger, was the last person she’d ever expect to breakdown. There was a time that she believed he wasn’t even capable.
    She pushed up to her feet, her head and hand thumping in unison, and made her way over to him. “Doug?” She knelt beside him, laying her left hand on his shoulder.
    He covered his face with his hands and didn’t acknowledge her.
    James frowned, but he didn’t comment. Instead, he bent and picked up Neil’s discarded robe. He curled his lip when he saw what it was, but pulled it on, anyway. He noticed her watching.
    “What? My ass was cold.”
    She snorted. “What is it Addie says? The full moon: the bane of the shapeshifter.”
    “Oh not you, too.” James gazed down at himself in the brown robe. “This is so wrong.” The robe fit him fine, but Elysia suspected it wasn’t the fit that was the problem.
    “You look like a necromancer,” Elysia said, throwing his earlier words back at him.
    “Ha ha.” He walked over to join them. He eyed Doug for a moment, his brow wrinkling, but it wasn’t in anger. Even so, unease churned Elysia’s stomach when he squatted beside them.
    “You about done?” James asked Doug. “You can feel sorry for yourself later.”
    “James,” Elysia whispered.
    A pause, and Doug sat up. His cheeks were wet, but anger burned in his eyes. “He made me cut off her finger,” he spoke between clenched teeth.
    James shrugged one shoulder. “Neil made me kill my brother.”
    Doug frowned.
    “Your aunt once commanded me to rip out Rowan’s soul.”
    “Clarissa?” Doug sat up a little straighter. “How did you avoid—”
    “Addie. She threw herself in my path.” James stopped, then continued in a softer tone. “I never told her how close she came to dying that day.”
    Doug’s brow wrinkled, but he didn’t speak.
    “It gets worse. Clarissa once stuck her hand down my pants and commanded me to enjoy it.”
    “How can you command—” Elysia stopped when James lifted a

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