MILLIONAIRE'S SHOT: Second Chance Romance

Free MILLIONAIRE'S SHOT: Second Chance Romance by Bev Pettersen

Book: MILLIONAIRE'S SHOT: Second Chance Romance by Bev Pettersen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bev Pettersen
his Olympic-sized diving board.
    “Jumping in a brook sounds like fun,” Grace said, bouncing with delight.
    “It was,” Alex said. His voice shifted and she felt his appraisal. Luckily it was night and she was busy leading Ginger and had an excuse to avoid his eyes. She never could hide her feelings from him, and his gaze seemed even more perceptive now.
    “Can you teach me how to train a horse to stand in a brook?” Grace asked.
    “No!” Both she and Alex spoke at the same time, their voices raised in shared horror. She understood her panic although his quick protest was surprising. And hurtful.
    “Cassie is just home to see her grandfather,” Alex went on, his voice level again. “She doesn’t have much time.”
    Perhaps she’d mistaken the horror in his voice. And she definitely didn’t plan on spending any more time with Grace, no matter that Alex’s daughter was so likeable. Clearly they both agreed on that.
    “I’m here to help my grandfather sell his horses,” she said lightly. “And everything is really rushed right now.”
    “I understand.” Grace’s tone was polite but her obvious disappointment left Cassie feeling torn.
    “The most important thing,” she said, smiling down at Grace, “is to start with a patient horse. One who doesn’t mind being away from his friends. And it helps if they have a long mane and a broad back.”
    Grace gave an enthusiastic nod. “I’ll remember that. And would it help if I hung a feedbag over the horse’s nose, so he can eat at the same time?”
    “No. That would be dangerous. Water might get in the bag and the horse could drown. And you don’t want to be trying this with your parents’ polo ponies.” She gripped Ginger’s lead line a little tighter. No doubt, Alex and Rachel wouldn’t want their fancy horses standing in a brook all day.
    “Yes.” Grace’s voice dulled. “All our polo ponies have shaved manes. And I wouldn’t be able to do it anyway. I’m not good at anything except grooming and bandaging.”
    Cassie stiffened. What a horrible way to feel. And she didn’t understand why this girl didn’t own a quiet pony, something to build up her confidence. She looked over Grace’s head at Alex, and once again he seemed to pick up on her thoughts. He gave his head a little shake and for a moment the powerful Alex Sutherland looked almost helpless.
    “You sure did a good job with Ginger’s cuts today,” Cassie said, keeping her voice bright.
    “I made the ointment myself,” Grace said. “It works really well. I can come over and put some on Ginger tomorrow if you’d like.” Moonlight revealed the hopeful expression on her upturned face. “Since you’re busy with your grandfather and might want help?”
    “No, Grace,” Alex said, his voice gentle but firm. He turned to Cassie. “There’s a boggy section just ahead. Pass me your phone and I’ll check the ground.”
    Cassie halted Ginger and gave him her phone. They were entering the back section of the south field. The grass looked level and she couldn’t remember this area ever being soft but she’d been away a long time. Another few minutes and she and Ginger would be home.
    Home. She blew out a disbelieving sigh. It was wonderful to be back, even if the polo game hadn’t gone according to plan. And it hadn’t been so awful walking with Alex and Grace. Obviously he didn’t want her seeing his daughter again, but they were in agreement on that. And it was rather comforting he’d insisted on walking her home. A nice note for their final good-bye.
    Ginger pawed at the ground, her ears pinned on the tree-lined path. Clearly she knew they were close and was impatient to return to her barn. And Cassie didn’t need the light on her phone. There was plenty of moonlight.
    “I can see perfectly,” she said, holding out her hand for her phone. “We can walk alone the rest of the way. Thanks for the company. It was nice to see you again, and it was great to meet Grace.”

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