role I was prepared for. You took me away from
that without a thought because you believe a Kilpapan daughter
should be in Nimbys.
    “ Well, I
am here and I let you take me from all I have ever wanted. But now
there is a new chance for me, a fresh opportunity. Now women can
join the Riders. I can join the Riders, and I will.
With or without your permission, Maegla as my witness, I will. Reputation be damned. If I take
anything from this benighted family then let it be my honour. And
if anyone says otherwise, I will answer them. Fear not, my lord, I
shall not expect you to defend
    Lord Kilpapan trembled at the indignity of
being so spoken to, but his wife rested a hand on his before he
could speak.
    “All students require a guardian ’ s permission. ” The countess’ tone was cold.
    “ I am
Wingborn,” Mhysra repeated, voice shaking. “They will no t
turn me away. ”
    “ They
will not willingly make an enemy of your father
either, ” Lady Kilpapan
    “ They
won’ t turn me away, ” Mhysra repeated, knowing she had no choice now but
to use the forgery. She only hoped Mherrin would not be caught.
    “You would
turn your back on your family?” her mother asked.
    “Why should I
have to?” Mhysra demanded, clenching her fists. “Kilai’s already at
Aquila. The family duty you cling to has always contained Rift
Riders. Women as well as men, before we were excluded. Why am I any
different from my brother? Why is my honour questioned and his
    “You are my
daughter,” Lord Kilpapan growled.
    Mhysra raised her chin. This was it, the
moment she ’ d wished to
avoid, but had feared would come all along. There would be no going
back. “ Not if you deny
me this, ” she said,
fighting to steady her voice. Milluqua gasped, and Mhysra shot her
an apologetic glance. “ I a m willing to do my duty
to the Kilpapan name, but my duty to Cumulo comes first. He is
mine, as I am his. We bonded the day we were born, twins in
different forms. He hatched the moment I first breathed. He is part
of me. I won ’ t let him
suffer needlessly. I love him too much. ”
    Her words hung in the silence. She knew she
was not loved by her parents – how could she be when she ’ d met them only a handful of
times? And yet, surely, deep inside, they must feel something for
her. She prayed to the gods that they did and it would be
    Lord Kilpapan pushed his chair back from the
table. The servants had long departed, driven from the room by icy
glares from the countess and Milluqua. No doubt they were listening
outside the door, but for now there was no one in the room except
the family, and his lordship was slow to rise.
    He held out a hand to his wife. “ My lady, I believe it is time to
retire. ”
    “ Certainly, my lord.” Placing her slim fingers upon her
husband’ s, she rose smoothly and they left the room, neither
sparing a glance in Mhysra ’ s direction.
    It was only when she was certain they ha d gone that she
allowed her head to drop into her hands. That had not gone
    Milluqua pulled her to her feet. “Come. Off t o bed with you. Things
might seem better in the morning. ”
    Feeling battered and bruised, Mhysra
nevertheless straightened her shoulders. “ Yes. At least I know what has to be done
now. They ’ ve made their
choice. Now I will make mine. ” When her sister made a sound of distress, Mhysra
smiled and squeezed her hand. “ It ’ s all
right, Milli. It will all work out. You ’ ll see. ”
    It would have to.


    10 th Blizzard
    “I T ’ S PURE SPITE, ” Mhysra grumbled as she
vigorously combed tangles out of the horsat ’ s mane, while her puppy growled from the
doorway. “ See, Bumble
agrees. She ’ s heard them
too. ”
    Mherrin snorted and pushed Ripple ’ s wing out of the way so that he
could brush her side. The horsat stood patiently, tracking both
humans ’ movements with
her swivelling ears.
    “ Didn’ t it take Kilai years to

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