The Chase

Free The Chase by Jan Neuharth

Book: The Chase by Jan Neuharth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Neuharth
much as we could, there is a risk of infection. We’ll have him on IV antibiotics, as well as Banamine and Bute.”
    “What about his recovery time?”
    “Sternum wounds generally heal very well. Barring any complications, he should be in the hospital for a week to ten days. When he goes home, he’ll be on stall rest for a month; then he’ll be able to go on turnout and gradually be put back to work.”
    “That’s amazing, considering what he’s been through. I’m sure Doug and Anne would want me to pass on their gratitude. It sounds like Chancellor wouldn’t have survived without you.”
    Ned shook his head and gestured towards Jake. “Don’t thank me, Kendall. Chancellor’s alive due to Jake’s quick thinking and expert horsemanship.”
    Kendall looked at Jake. “Really? What did you do?”
    Jake shrugged off the compliment. “Doc Carey’s exaggerating. It was a team effort. I just rigged up a contraption to help Chancellor breathe. Steve’s the one who was responsible for getting Chancellor here in time.”
    “Don’t let Jake’s modesty fool you, Kendall. The contraption Jake rigged up saved Chancellor’s life. Without it, Chancellor wouldn’t even have made it to the horse ambulance.”
    They were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and Kendall turned, to see a tall, dark-haired young woman enter the room, carrying an armful of clothing and a tan cowboy hat.
    “Ah, Elizabeth, my dear, I was wondering where you were,” Ned said. “Kendall, do you remember my daughter, Elizabeth?”
    Kendall stared at her. “I do, but the last time I saw you, Elizabeth, you were still a kid. When did you get so grown up?”
    Elizabeth blushed. “Nice to see you, Mrs. Baxter.”
    “Waters,” Kendall corrected her.
    “Pardon me?”
    “I’m not Mrs. Baxter any longer. I’m divorced. I go by my maiden name now. Waters.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
    “Don’t be sorry. It’s a good thing.”
    “Oh, well then, congratulations, I guess.”
    Elizabeth turned to Jake, extending her arms towards him. “Your clothes are finally dry, and I used a blow dryer on your hat. I hope it’s dry enough.”
    “Thank you, Elizabeth.” Jake smiled as he took the clothes from her. “Doc Carey, I think you’re going to be busy fighting the boys off this one. Not only is she beautiful but she sure knows the way to a man’s heart.”
    “What, by washing his clothes?” Kendall asked.
    Jake grinned. “No. By understanding the affection he has for his cowboy hat.”
    Kendall looked away without giving him the satisfaction of seeing a reaction. He might have done a good deed and saved Chancellor’s life, but she didn’t like him very much.
    Elizabeth giggled. “It’s an
hat. I want to learn how to ride western and try barrel racing, but
won’t let me.” She rolled her eyes at her father.
    “Elizabeth, one day when you’re rich and famous, you can learn as many riding disciplines as you can afford. But for now, while you’re still living under my roof and I’m paying the bills, you’re stuck with showing that fancy junior hunter I bought you last fall.” Ned gave her long ponytail an affectionate tug.
    “Do you show on the circuit, Elizabeth?” Kendall asked.
    Elizabeth shook her head. “No, it’s too expensive. I showed at Upperville, but I usually just do the local shows. Except Dad lets me enter Warrenton and the Middleburg Classic.”
    “Maybe I’ll see you at some of the shows. I’m just showing at the local shows these days, too.”
    Elizabeth’s mouth hung open. “You’re taking Wellington to the
    “For now.”
    “Oh, I get it. It’s because of your divorce, right?”
    Kendall felt a flush creep up her cheeks. “Yes, it is.”
    An uncomfortable silence passed for a moment and Ned cleared his throat. “I’d better go see how Chancellor’s doing in recovery. I just wanted to fill you in on how the surgery went.”
    “Can I observe him in

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