Two (The Godslayer Cycle Book 2)

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Book: Two (The Godslayer Cycle Book 2) by Ron Glick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Glick
us knew it was possible.  We only wish to understand how this came to be.”
    “So why are you asking me?” prompted the God of Mischief.  “Ask anyone, I know about as much of value as ol' Kelvor there has a sense of humor.”
    “ Be that as it may, you were known to be in the area where we believe Imery...  well, passed.  Any insight you may have would be appreciated.”
    “ So you're saying I'm a witness?”  Ankor beamed.  If it was possible, the idea of being the witness to a murder may well possibly have been more entertaining than anything else he had done all day.  And his grin showed this to his interrogators.
    Galentine nodded.  “Yes, I suppose you could be.”
    “He's been around, you know.”
    “ Who?”
    “ The Witness.”
    “ He has?”  Galentine looked over his shoulder to Kelvor.  “The demi-God?”
    Ankor nodded.  “Showed up in Scollhaven about a couple days ago.  Just sits all by himself in the tavern.  Not like him really, 'cause usually he sees what he's come to see then goes on his way.  Something's got him off his game.”
    “Are you trying to say he has something to do with Imery?”
    “ No, why?  Do you think he does?”  Ankor leaned forward excitedly. 
    “ I'm asking you.  You brought him up.”
    “ Oh,” said Ankor, leaning back in his chair.  “I was just making conversation.”
    Galentine sighed loudly.  “Can we please speak of Imery?”
    “What about her?”
    “ Did you encounter her at all while you were...  visiting this Scollhaven place?”
    “ Nope.  Didn't see her.  Unless she was disguised, in which case I could have seen her, but wouldn't know if I had seen her.  Would that count?”
    “ This is getting us nowhere!” Kelvor bellowed.
    Galentine decided to try a new tact.  “Prankster, you see that Imery's domain is fading?”
    Ankor looked around casually.  “I did notice the furniture was getting kind of squishy around the edges, yeah.”
    “ You know that Imery was one of the Greater Powers.”
    Ankor rolled his eyes.  “Yes, yes.  She was my better, blah, blah, blah.  I should show her more respect, blah, blah, blah.  I should stop trying to sneak looks at her naked, blah, blah--”
    “What was that?” interrupted Kelvor, pushing past Galentine.
    Ankor raised his hands in mock supplication.  “What?  You always wanted me to look up to her, but when I did it up her dress, that was wrong?”
    Galentine seized Kelvor's arm.  “Can't you see he's doing this on purpose?  He's trying to upset you so you'll dismiss him.”
    “ And doing a right fine job of it, if I do say so myself,” insisted Ankor.
    Galentine ignored the Lesser God.  “He doesn't want to be here.  That alone should tell us something, don't you think?”
    Kelvor did not immediately respond to Galentine's words, but eventually awareness donned in his eyes.  The helmeted brow of the God of Justice bobbed up and down in recognition.  “Pranked by the Prankster.  Should have known better.”
    “ Does this mean you won't be getting mad anymore?” asked Ankor.  “Let me know, because I'd hate to waste the effort.”
    Galentine turned to the God of Mischief.  “Look, there's something you don't want to tell us.  That much is obvious.  Sooner or later, we will ask the right question, and you will tell us what you know.  So why not just tell us and you can get back to whatever it is you were doing when we summoned you.”
    “ I have a better question,” said Ankor, once again leaning forward.  “Why don't you two tell me why it wasn't the whole Greater Assembly that summoned me instead of just you two?  What is it you don't want to talk about?”
      Galentine threw a guilty look at Kelvor, which was all the confirmation Ankor needed.  “I knew it!  You guys are playing a game, one you don't want anyone else to know about.  No fair.  I want in!”
    Kelvor pulled his head back.  “You what?”
    “It's a game, isn't it?  Well, I love

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