Two (The Godslayer Cycle Book 2)

Free Two (The Godslayer Cycle Book 2) by Ron Glick

Book: Two (The Godslayer Cycle Book 2) by Ron Glick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Glick
Goddess who was the one who truly threw your plans to the wind.”
    Malik twinged slightly at the reference.  He had not been aware that his and Dariel's relationship had been brought to light yet.  He covered for it with a shrug, however.  “There are but nine of us, Airek.  Would you have me hold a grudge against all who have wronged me?  I would become the Lord of celibacy if I were to do that.”
    Lendus guffawed at that.  Ever the one to relish in festivity, the Guardian of the Grail was usually the one who would laugh first at any jest. 
    Malik suddenly swept his arms wide.  “Lendus has the right of it.  This is a time for joy and mirth, not for bickering and spite.  One of the forty eight has fallen, and you have dear Charith and I to hold in gratitude for it.”
    Charith scowled.  “Would that I could escape my part in this,” she muttered.  Louder, she said, “Did you know that when a God passes, they do not pass through my domain?”
    Malik blinked.  “What of it?”
    Charith glared at her former cohort.  “It is unnatural!  All things living just pass through death.  Yet though we all know a God has passed, I felt nothing cross the veil.  Nothing!”
    “Because it was not one of ours, Sister.  Rest assured, I am quite sure Elevan sensed--”
    “ Would you have me define the arts of war for you, oh, Patron of Insanity?”  Malik scowled at the insult, but Charith continued without interruption.  “Just because I do not have dominion over a soul's death does not mean I am unaware of its passing.  I know when any mortal or immortal soul passes from the land of the living.  If it is my soul to collect, I am drawn to it.  If not, another is.  Yet I always know the soul is there.  When this Godling passed, though, I sensed nothing cross the veil.  All I sensed was what all of you did – the passing energy, the absence in the web of divinity.  I do not know where that soul went.  I, God and Goddess of Death and Life, now know that when Gods pass...  We are gone.  Just...  gone.”
    All were silent for several moments, none being able to respond to Charith's words.  “It is not natural...”  she repeated after a moment, before lapsing again into silence.
    Malik took a deep breath and pushed forward.  “Does anyone know who the unfortunate soul, er...  My apologies, Charith.  Has anyone learned which of the Godlings passed?”
    All were silent for several moments, until at last Dariel stepped forward to stand in front of Malik.  “I believe I know.”
    When the God and Goddess of Truth and Deception would say no more, Malik prompted, “Well?  Don't just stand there – tell us.”
    “ And say how it is you would know when none of the rest of us do,” added Airek, who had shifted to his feminine form now.
    “ Oh, I know because I am just ever so much richer now than I was before,” responded Dariel.  “You see, though my faithful have not grown, the resistance to faith from the sphere of truth has lessened considerably.  When the Goddess died, whatever resistance she may have created to my faithful went with her.  And because it is only in this one area where there has been a lessening, I know who must have died.”
    Dariel looked around the room, clearly taking pleasure from the exasperation she was feeding.  “Imery, Goddess of Truth has died.  The sphere of truth has been released.  And so I know it must have been Imery.”
    Malik felt his chest catch, as though he genuinely suffered a malady of shock.  It made sense that Imery would be one involved, but to have her be the first to fall?  He had needed her to keep Nathaniel on the path he had chosen for their avatar, and if she were dead already...
    “ What an odd irony,” Elgoth spoke up.  “The very Goddess who slew our avatar's wife was the first to fall to his blade.  It seems that there may indeed be justice in the cosmic balance of things, after all.”
    “ Be careful, my dear Steward,”

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