The Awakening

Free The Awakening by Lorhainne Eckhart

Book: The Awakening by Lorhainne Eckhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart
husband’s hand.
    Andy strode up. “Diana, I heard you found Laura.”
    Diana glanced briefly at Jed. Jed knew her concern. “He’s been looking for her.”
    “Why were you looking for her, Andy? What do you want with her?” Diana asked in a way that was as fierce as a protective mama bear.
    “She didn’t deserve what happened. I was trying to find her another job. I promised the cook that I would. My intentions are honorable, nothing more. She’s young, and I feel sorry for her to be treated so horribly. It was unfair what Mother did, and the cook told me a few things. Laura hasn’t had an easy life,” Andy started, but he said no more, wondering if maybe he shouldn’t repeat it. “I’d like to help if I can.”
    “She looks pretty young to have a kid, so I can only imagine. It sounds as if you know more.” Diana leaned into Jed when he put his arm around her shoulder.
    Danny started whimpering, and Jed slipped the monitor from Diana’s waistband. “I’ll get him.” He handed Diana a business card from his pocket. “This is from the sheriff. He said to call this guy. He took the kid.”
    Jed hurried inside, stopping just inside the door and motioning to Diana.
    “Would you like a coffee, Andy? I think Laura’s awake.” She tucked her hands in her pocket.
    “Sure,” Andy replied, and he followed, determined to do what he could to help.

Chapter Fourteen
    Diana was an incredible woman, and as Andy watched his cousin, his godson, and the unspoken bond that linked them together, he realized it was envy that burned his heart, not jealousy. Jed made her happier than he’d ever seen, and he’d never seen Jed so head-over-heels in love with a woman as he was with Diana.
    Laura sat quietly in the corner, scared and weary. Diana ushered her into the bathroom for a shower and gave her a change of clothes. Laura was the same height as Diana but was much thinner, and Andy now realized that may not have been by choice. He’d never had to live hand to mouth and had wasted more than his fair share of food. He had never given a second thought to those who couldn’t afford to feed themselves, and even though he realized and saw the hunger in Laura, not just for food but for her child, he wanted to tell her it would be okay, but the words fell short on his lips. When she showered, Diana phoned the social worker a second time, this time getting through, and said she was Laura’s lawyer. She tried to arrange for Laura to see her son, but the social worker refused and said a hearing would have to be arranged first. She asked for an emergency hearing, but the social worker stonewalled her and replied he’d have to get back to her.
    Diana hung up, frustrated, and said, “This prick is stonewalling me.” She then pulled out her day timer and looked up a number, calling a colleague she knew in Seattle, someone from law school.
    Andy paced and then accepted the coffee Jed poured. “Sounds like Diana’s getting jerked around. Do you want me to call my lawyer? He can make things happen.”
    “I don’t want any help from you.” Andy hadn’t heard Laura approaching, but there she stood in the cluttered hallway of this small bungalow, her eyes red and her wet hair combed and hanging straight down her back. She was wearing a pink sweat suit that looked two sizes too big for her. Her face was thinner, drawn, and she looked at Andy with anger. “I needed that paycheck to pay my rent, to buy food. I was sent away with nothing. Your mother saw fit to keep it, so I don’t want your help.”
    Jed stepped up. “Laura, don’t put that on Andy. That’s not fair. He’s been looking for you to find you another job. He even went to where you lived, and you were gone.”
    For the first time, Andy was ashamed of where he came from. “Laura, what my mother did was not okay. And you’re right, maybe it was my fault.”
    She stared at him with hatred. “You’re damn right it was. I was so tired of the bullshit between you and

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