Ana Seymour

Free Ana Seymour by A Family For Carter Jones

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Authors: A Family For Carter Jones
minute. “So someday you might be governor of the state, Carter?” Dorie asked breathily. “I can’t imagine knowing anyone so important. Will you still come back and talk to us little folk in Vermillion when you’re such a famous man?”
    Carter did not look the least embarrassed by the question. In fact, he appeared to consider it before he answered. “A good politician is able to relate to people at all levels, Miss Millard. I would hope that I’ll keep my friends wherever my career might take me.”
    Dorie made a show of sliding nearer to him on the settee and took his elbow in both hands. “Just in case you don’t ever come back here, I want to be able tosay that I touched the future governor,” she said with a flirtatious giggle.
    Carter looked over Dorie’s shoulder and gave Jennie a conspiratorial smile. Jennie wasn’t entirely sure, but it looked to her as if his expression said, “Your friend’s a bit of a goose.” At least that was the way she chose to interpret it.
    Her attention turned abruptly from Dorie and Carter when Dr. Millard said suddenly, “Are you feeling all right, Kate?”
    With a pang, Jennie realized that Kate’s wan face was even whiter than normal. Jennie’d been so busy working that she hadn’t thought to ask about her sister’s condition today. Though she hadn’t let Kate do anything in preparation for the dinner, she had allowed her to sit with her in the kitchen all afternoon instead of taking her usual nap.
    She jumped up and went to Kate’s side, laying a hand on her shoulder. “You should be in bed, sis. You’ve been on your feet for hours now.”
    Kate put her hand on top of Jennie’s and gave it a little pat. “I’m fine, my little nurse. You worry too much about me. You too, Dr. Millard,” she added, giving the old man a smile.
    The doctor’s expression was grave. “Perhaps I should have you stay over with me and Dorie for a couple nights so I can keep an eye on how you’re doing.”
    Jennie felt a panicky sensation in her middle. She and Kate belonged together. She could face anything as long as the two of them were facing it side by side.But she waited for Kate’s reply, which was as she expected.
    “Nonsense, Doctor. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer—”
    Across the room Carter stood and interrupted. “What Miss Sheridan undoubtedly needs is some rest, which she’s not going to get if her visitors sit around all night talking.”
    Dorie jumped up next to him. “Carter’s right. It’s been a lovely party, Jennie dear,” she said. She smiled at her friend, then let the smile dance its way around to each of the gentlemen in the room.
    Jennie was not going to argue. There was a definite pallor around Kate’s mouth. She wanted to get her to bed. Besides, she’d had just about as much as she could take for one evening of struggling to keep her eyes and her mind off Carter Jones. And if Dorie didn’t stop grabbing his arm that way, there was a likelihood that Jennie would end up giving one of her very dearest friends a smack.
    Dr. Millard stood slowly, his eyes still on Kate. “I’m coming over tomorrow morning. If your color’s not any better, we need to think about having you see an obstetrician in Virginia City.”
    “What’s an obste…?” Jennie stumbled over the word.
    “A special doctor who looks after ladies,” Dr. Millard told her. “It’s a person who specializes in birthing babies. They have one at Mercy Hospital in Virginia City.”
    Carter frowned. “Perhaps she should see one anyway.”
    “Sounds like a good idea to me,” Dennis Kelly added. “You’ve been looking mighty peaked, Miss Kate.”
    Kate took her hand off Jennie’s and straightened up in her chair. “You’re all very kind, but I wish you wouldn’t make such a fuss. I’ll be perfectly fine.”
    Jennie could tell that having a room full of men discussing her personal health was making her sister decidedly self-conscious. She gave Kate’s

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