Beyond Innocence

Free Beyond Innocence by Barrie Turner

Book: Beyond Innocence by Barrie Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barrie Turner
can do, get us both off the hook so to speak. “Why don’t you get to know Thompson? We know he’s ready to cough so why not make friends with him and get him in a very talkative frame of mind? You see it’s like this. My boss is going to be more than pleased if Thompson confesses and, if I can tell him that Royston Chambers played a starring role in it, maybe, just maybe, I can stop him from leaning so hard on you. Obviously Roy, you must realise this is strictly unofficial and, I can’t promise you anything. You do understand that don’t you? Jim West saw the colour flooding back into the face of Roy Chambers and he knew that he had his man well and truly hooked. He also knew that when Chambers left the room, he would find that some excuse had already been made to place him in the next room to Harry Thompson. After that it would be easy, dead easy.”
    It would be impossible to describe the relief felt by Roy Chambers when he heard those last words from DS West. Apparently, all Westy wanted him to do was to make friends with Harry Thompson and if Thompson let go any useful information regarding either of the girls, simply let old Westy know. Well that would be a cinch. In return for this, there was still a chance that good old Westy would put more than a good word in for him; in which case, he might not be staring seven years in the face any longer..,
    Roy Chambers couldn’t agree quickly enough. He was so anxious and relieved to be off the hook he hardly heard Jim West saying, “I’ll pop along in a couple of days to talk to you about the supermarket job.”
    Jim West’s face bore a satisfied smile all the way back to Merseyside Police HQ. As he drove, his mind went back over the meeting with Chambers and, each time the picture crossed his mind, he whispered to himself, “easy innit?” He parked his car in his reserved place and, after taking a quick look round, he set off walking towards Rodney Street. For the benefit of the uninitiated, Rodney Street is one of the places where the ladies of the night choose to walk and ply their trade. Quite often nowadays they can be found plying their trade during the day and this was why he was going there now. He told himself there wasn’t any time like the present and that this was as good a time as any to locate Bridget Riley and Theresa O’Rourke, two long-time associates of the late Angela Clarkson. Unfortunately, neither girl was anywhere to be seen on the streets so he walked around the corner and made his way into The Rugby Arms or, the Hookers as it was known locally especially in view of its close proximity to Rodney Street. His was a well-known face in this part of the town, and most of the regulars greeted him. Nearly all of them knew he was a copper and there were a number of people present who had had their collars felt by this big burly and uncompromising policeman. However today it was different. There were only two things on Westy’s mind and they were both sat in the corner drinking their double gins and tonics. He caught the eye of Alf the barman, who knew without being asked that he would be drinking a pint of bitter. He also motioned that he wanted two double gin and tonics for the two ladies in the corner. He didn’t give either of them a chance to see him coming. The first they knew about it was when the drinks appeared on the table followed by himself with his pint in hand.
    He began talking before he actually sat down.
    “Nice to see you, girls. I thought I might find you both in here so I decided I’d just call in for a chat, unofficial business like, you know. Both girls visibly relaxed at this and thanked Jim for their drinks as he continued, “Dreadful news about Angela wasn’t it – absolutely appalling and, what’s more, no need for it you know.” Both girls nodded in agreement and Bridget added, “She never deserved that, and the sooner the trade is licensed and properly supervised, the better it will be for everybody. As the

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