Beyond Innocence

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Book: Beyond Innocence by Barrie Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barrie Turner
drinks went down, the girls relaxed even more. By now they both realised that today Westy, or Jim, as they often called him, didn’t mean to run either of them in and he certainly wasn’t here to make small talk about their dear departed friend Angela. They were both streetwise and very smart. They knew Jim West wanted their help and assistance in some way otherwise the Black Maria would have carted them both off half an hour ago. Meanwhile, all Jim wanted was for the general noise in the bar to quieten down a little then they would find out the true nature of his visit and it would certainly involve Angela. A couple of gins later the bulk of the afternoon trade had gone. They were alone in the corner when Bridget decided it was time to act, “tell us what’s on your bloody mind Jim. Let’s face it, you haven’t come down here to spend all the bloody afternoon drinking with a couple of old pro’s so, let us be knowing what this visit is all about and what the hell it’s got to do with us. This is costing us money you know. Don’t forget whilst we’re in here, talking to you, we’re not getting frigging paid, and yet here we are paying our bloody corner into the bargain.”
    A smile flickered across his face before he spoke. This was typical Bridget. She didn’t mess about or mince words, whatever she had to say she said it, and, if you didn’t like it, then tough. “Now the crowd’s gone, I can tell you. It is about Angela and we need your help. We have a man in Walton and we’re almost certain we have the right man but, we do need a little extra help and I’m wondering if either of you had ever seen Angela wearing this.” With that, he drew the watch from his pocket and passed it beneath the table. He continued, “If you want to have a good look at it, take it into the toilets and have a good think about it. You see it’s very important that we find out. As the girls withdrew, he ordered another pint for himself and waited. He didn’t have to wait too long and, as they approached, he could tell immediately from the look on their faces that his luck was out on this one. The watch was returned unnoticed under the table. Both said sadly that they couldn’t recall seeing Angela wearing a watch like it, especially such an expensive watch as that. They both saw the obvious look of disappointment on Jim’s face and said they were very sorry they couldn’t be of more use to him. Although disappointed, Jim thanked them for their time and said he would see them around. Both girls quickly departed to ply their trade leaving Jim to finish his pint in the almost deserted bar before making his way back to HQ.
    Once in his office, he made arrangements for both ladies to be arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance that evening and that he was to be informed the moment that they were in custody. With that little matter taken care of, he made his way to the canteen in order to get himself something to eat whilst he waited for things to develop thinking to himself all the time, that there’s always more than one way to skin a cat. Suitably refreshed, after having eaten the braised steak and onions on offer in the canteen, Jim West began to make his way back to his office. On his way he stopped by the office of his boss, Detective Inspector Peter Taylor, in order to acquaint him of the developments during the day, but today, his mentor had already left for home so he returned to the comparative safety of his own sanctum knowing full well he wouldn’t have to wait too long before something happened. He just had time to phone his wife to say he would be late when the word came through that there were two ladies downstairs asking repeatedly to be allowed to see him and that they would only speak to Detective Sergeant West himself. Without any undue haste, he made his way downstairs. Once again he found himself saying ‘easy, easy innit?’ and, in a way it was, although it was also true to say that

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