Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1)

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Book: Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) by Brian Dorsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Dorsey
rapid mobilization. A member of a First Family, his great-uncle had been a Senator and his father a regional magistrate. Although he had served in the military for five years before the mobilization, Neo’s military experience had been limited to staff and administrative duties at High Command. When the war drums began to beat, his great uncle pulled some strings and had him transferred into a line regiment as Senior Major of the 34th Heavy Assault Battalion. Conveniently, the regiment’s colonel soon retired amidst rumors of inappropriate behavior with a servant of the Neo family and misappropriations of funds from the regimental budget. This paved the way for the promotion of Neo and, without a doubt in Stone’s mind, needless deaths of his men in future battles.
    As Stone was sizing up the guests at his table and trying to stay positive about the evening, the appetizers arrived.
    “Colonel Stone,” said Neo as he leaned back to allow the servant to place an appetizer on the table, “it must be nice to have your line once again associated with the Lucius family.”
    Astra choked slightly on the grape she had just placed in her mouth.
    Vatarus let out a cough, clearly meant as a warning to Neo that he had made a social blunder.
    Vespa sat quietly, smiling at the discomfort she knew Astra must be feeling.
    Stone, slightly taken aback, looked blankly at Neo. As he did, he saw Ophelia nervously turn her head slightly toward Neo and give him a cautious, warning look with her eyes and a slight shake of her head.
    “Um, I…” Neo stumbled.
    “I’m sure he is,” interrupted Astra, doing what she did best. “The Lucius family is honored to be able to restore Tyler’s branch of the family to their lineage. After all, his line has provided us with some of our most honored heroes. From Colonel Agrippa Lucius Stone down to Tyler himself, the line has served the Republic with bravery and won the right to reclaim the Lucius name.”
    Stone saw Astra give a slight glance to Vespa, as she knew she had robbed her adversary of the opportunity to see her squirm. Astra was indeed at master of socio-political strategy.
    “You are correct, of course,” added Vespa, conceding Astra’s victory.
    “To the restoration of the Lucius line,” joined Ophelia quickly. As she stood to give the toast, she used her right hand to guide Neo to stand as well.
    “To Colonel Tyler Lucius,” added Neo.
    Stone remained seated and gave a nod of appreciation as the rest of the table rose to join the toast. As they returned to their seats, Vatarus leaned toward Neo.
    “I think the battlefield may be less complicated than this dinner. If only you could enlist the Lady Ophelia into your regiment.”
    Neo returned a smile of relief to Vatarus.
    “Oh my!” gasped Ophelia in a playful response. “Could you see a lady of a First Family in fatigues in the muck and mire?”
    “I most certainly could not,” replied Stone with a duplicitous smile.
    The evening continued in the same manner, a little awkward and occasionally comical. As the dinner concluded, the quests retired to the ballroom to engage in more “strategic” mingling. In her element, Astra quickly flitted from one group to another graciously accepting compliments and giving them when required, all the while with her new toy in tow. Stone couldn’t help but be impressed; her conversations were tactical works of art. The epitome of social grace, she was never too complex or controversial—even though she had the political wit to talk most senators into a corner.
    Stone had just found his own mental quiet place and had begun to grow numb to the glad-handing when Astra dragged him into a small group of high-ranking officers speaking with her father.
    “Colonel Lucius!” proclaimed Dominotra in a loud voice as the couple came near, obviously feeling the wine. “Let me introduce you to your new Brigadier.”
    As Senator Varus stepped out of the small circle, Stone’s new commander came

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