Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1)

Free Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) by Brian Dorsey

Book: Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) by Brian Dorsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Dorsey
her flawless facial features.
    “I guess we do,” replied Stone, “but regular army uniform regulations require me to wear full medals. In the Guard I at least only had to wear miniatures.”
    “You should be proud of your medals, darling,” said Astra. “You are the most decorated officer on active duty.”
    “That’s exactly the problem. I’m wearing ten pounds of cadmium medals on my chest and I sound like a damn wind chime in a hurricane.”
    “That is a sign to everyone around that they are in the presence of a hero,” replied Astra with a tight smile.
    “Yes, dear,” replied Stone, realizing Astra was growing irritated with his complaints. He subconsciously raised his hand to his neck as that familiar itchy feeling around the collar and wristbands began to set in. 
    Astra gripped Stone’s hand. “We are nearing the receiving line. Make sure you remember the etiquette,” she warned with another smile.
    Turning the corner, Stone saw the line of politicians, generals, and admirals waiting to meet him and his new fiancée. His stomach grumbled from hunger and the absurdity of formal dinners. As they neared the line, a captain stepped forward to begin the ceremonial introductions.
    “Colonel Tyler Lucius Stone and the Lady Astra Varus,” said Stone to the young captain.
    The captain seemed worried. A bead of sweat ran down the man’s forehead and his face began to turn red. After an uncomfortable pause, the captain spoke softly so no one but Stone and Astra could hear.
    “Colonel Lucius, ah…Stone, Sir, I—s”
    “Captain,” interrupted Astra. “did my father’s staff inform you of our arrival and introduction?” she asked coldly.
    “Yes, Lady Astra.”
    “Well,” replied Astra in a quiet but cold tone that seemed to tear straight through the nervous captain, “I suggest you do not keep us waiting any longer.”
    “Yes, Lady Varus,” answered the captain as he turned toward the receiving line.
    “Colonel Tyler Lucius of the 25th Air Assault Regiment, and his fiancée the Lady Astra Varus,” announced the captain as they approached the first greeter in the receiving line.
    “Lucius,” Stone whispered to Astra. His common name had been omitted. His branch of the family had been barred from using their ancestral name in formal settings.
    “The Lucius family has agreed to restore your lineage to full status within the family structure,” smiled Astra. “You no longer need to carry that common name.”
    “Another present from your father?” asked Stone flatly.
    Astra answered only with a smile.
    Stone had no doubt that only a few generations ago a Varus family member would have needed to bathe if someone with a common name like Stone had so much as touched them.
    Politics definitely made strange bedfellows.
    Stone trudged his way through the receiving line, acting out the usual pleasantries. First he would be congratulated on his promotion or the jangling rows of medals displayed on his uniform. Next came the declarations of Astra’s beauty and ramblings about the stir the engagement had caused throughout the social elite. This theme played out all along the receiving line as he moved past magistrates, senators, two major generals, and three fleet admirals. Finally he and Astra had run the gauntlet of distinguished attendees and made their way to their table.
    “I love these events,” exclaimed Astra as Stone pulled her chair out for her.
    “Seems like a lot of pomp and circumstance for a decent dinner,” he whispered in her ear.”
    “It’s not about the food, Tyler,” she snapped back. “Stop complaining. It’s about being seen and mingling with the right people.” 
    “And who are the wrong people?” said Stone under his breath.
    Astra smiled and put her hand on Stone’s knee.
    “I’m only looking out for our best interests,” she said quietly, speaking through her smile. “Other than Arilius Tacitus the rest of your captains will never rise above the rank of major. I

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