Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1)

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Book: Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) by Brian Dorsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Dorsey
just want to make sure they don’t weigh you down, especially that woman, Martin. It’s scandalous that a woman, especially one as attractive as Martin, would lower herself to military service when she should be—”
    “Marrying up,” replied Stone, his voice rising above the current volume of their conversation.
    “Please lower your voice,” demanded Astra under her breath. “And, yes,” she replied. “But I can tell it isn’t the time for this discussion.”
    “Or the place,” he replied.
    “Very true, Tyler,” said Astra. “Rest assured, Tyler, you will get used to these functions and grow to enjoy them. Besides, I am sure you will find everything worth the effort.” As she spoke, Astra slowly ran her hand up Stone’s thigh to remind him that food wasn’t the only thing he had to look forward to as long as he behaved and played his role.
    Stone suddenly realized he had neglected introductions.
    “Gentlemen,” he squeaked, as Astra’s hand gave one last squeeze, catching him off-guard.
    “Colonel,” replied Colonel Romanari Vatarus.
    Vatarus was a well-respected officer and middle son of one of the more influential First Families. His wife, Lady Vespa Vatarus, was the daughter of Senator Germanicus Brutii, the Varus family’s major political rival. As such, Vespa and Astra hated each other.
    “Lady Vespa, I am glad to see you could attend,” said Astra, her pitch slightly elevated to show that she was still being civil even though she would rather gouge her rival’s eyes out.
    “It is my duty as a faithful wife,” quipped Vespa. “It sounds like you may soon understand what those duties entail, Lady Astra. Besides, your father does throw such quaint little dinners.”
    Astra paused to take a drink of her wine and then swallowed hard.
    “I’m sure my father is honored by your attendance and we are pleased you approve of our little gathering.”
    Romanari Vatarus gave a quick glance at both ladies and then turned to Stone with a smile on his face.
    “At least it will be entertaining, eh, Colonel Lucius? Dinner and a show.”
    Stone could not help but let out a laugh. Romanari had been at this game for a while and was still able to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. As a middle son, he was not burdened by the duties of a future patriarch and enjoyed the freedom that it allowed him.
    Stone was not as lucky. The laugh brought a quick kick on the shin by Astra and a look that he was sure would stop a sable tiger in its tracks. Seeing that Stone had gotten himself into trouble, Romanari changed the topic.
    “Let me introduce you to the other regimental commander, Colonel Casius Neo.”
    “Welcome Colonel Stone, ah, Lucius,” stammered Colonel Neo. In his haste to rise and greet Stone, the young colonel clumsily bumped the table nearly causing his glass to topple over. Awkwardly grabbing for the drink, he quickly steadied the glass and took a deep breath before continuing. “I look forward to learning from both you and Colonel Vatarus…and, oh, excuse me, may I introduce you to my quest, the Lady Ophelia Tacitus.”
    A cousin of Captain Tacitus and niece of Cataline Tacitus, the “Lady” Ophelia could not have been more than seventeen or eighteen. She seemed as infatuated with the grandeur of the event as Stone was irritated by it. Her family had prepped her well for the evening, however, and she was ready with the appropriate greetings.
    “Greetings, Colonel Lucius, your presence brings great honor to an already distinguished table,” she said, slightly bowing her head in the direction of Romanari Vatarus.
    “Your grace is much appreciated at our table,” noted Astra, casting a quick, icy glance at Vespa. “You do your escort much honor, Lady Ophelia.”
    With that Astra turned her gaze toward Neo. As she stared, she made a quick motion with her hand reminding the timid, delicate flower of a colonel to sit.
    Casius Neo was just the type of officer that had come to power during a

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