through their hair.” He smiled and
sat down on the other side of Jackson. “You movin’ in on my
territory, little man?”

    A too-large bite of overcooked roast
was being wrestled between Katie’s teeth, while she soaked in the
atmosphere around the dinner table. Conversation flowed freely and
Mr. and Mrs. Stone took turns embarrassing Branson with stories of
his childhood.
    “ You’re the first girl
Branson has brought home from college,” Celia said, lifting her
glass of Pinot to her lips.
    “ Mom!” Branson
    “ What? It’s true. We never
got to meet anyone. The last girl you brought home was Kayla, and
that was senior prom.”
    “ Her name was Kyla, and
sometimes a guy just wants to come home and relax. Now, if you’re
done with the stories of how I used to run through the house in my
cape and red underwear, I think we’ll go downstairs and watch a
    “ All right, son,” Celia
laughed. “Goodnight, Katie.”
    “ Goodnight, everyone.”
Katie stood. “By the way, there was a guy on campus seen running
around with nothing but a cape and red underwear . . . you don’t
think . . .” Katie laughed and braced herself for the incoming
retaliation from Branson. He picked her up, effortlessly tossed her
over his shoulder, and started out of the room.
    “ Agh! Put me down, you
barbarian!” Katie giggled, enjoying his playfulness.
    Branson hurried through the living
room and carefully descended the staircase leading to the basement.
He set her down when they reached the bottom and stole a kiss
before taking her suitcase to the guest room. “So, here is your
room. The bathroom is through those doors.”
    Katie walked through the door,
examining the tastefully decorated room. The comforter was olive
green and brick red plaid which instantly made her feel like she
was in a cozy cabin. A claw foot tub sat in the corner of the
bathroom. “Oh, I love that tub.”
    “ You can take a soak
anytime you like.”
    “ So, where’s your room?
I’m dying to see what kind of posters you have on your
    Branson led her into a large bedroom
with caramel colored walls and a large four poster bed crafted out
of pine logs. The room was masculine and revealed no evidence that
a teen ever lived there. “Where are your posters?”
    He sighed and led Katie to a reading
nook where his stereo and gaming system were kept.
    Katie giggled when she saw the mix
that decorated his walls. There was one of Freddie Kruger, a blonde
in a pink string bikini, one of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, and
finally Darth Vader. “Classic. I might have to sew a sweater on
that poor girl in the bikini, though. She must be
    He threw his head back and laughed
loudly at the thought of his poster wearing a sweater. “Don’t you
    “ You better sleep with one
eye open tonight,” she teased.
    “ Are you up for a movie?”
he asked.
    “ I’d love to watch a
movie. Can I slip into my pajamas first?”
    She was glad he wasn’t too tired. She
only had a few nights with him before they left for her house. The
plan was to spend a few days with his family, and then a few days
with hers. He would drive with her to York, then go back to spend
Christmas with his family, and pick her up on the way back to
school after Christmas break.
    Branson gave her a predatory look.
“Need any help?”
    She searched for something
smart-mouthed to say, but instead shook her head and closed the
    Katie came out in her red flannel
pajamas. They were warm, comfortable, and presentable in case she
wanted to go upstairs in them. The look on Branson’s face when she
came out nearly sent her into hysterics. He must have expected her
to wear something more revealing.
    “ Well, aren’t you . . .
warm and cozy.”
    “ Yes, I am. These are my
favorite pajamas. Just be glad I didn’t bring my long flannel
nightgown with the unicorns.” She laughed.
    “ You’re not
    “ No.

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