MARCUS (Dragon Security Book 4)

Free MARCUS (Dragon Security Book 4) by Glenna Sinclair

Book: MARCUS (Dragon Security Book 4) by Glenna Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Sinclair
grabbed a rag out of the bathroom and carefully began to rub her frozen skin back to life.
    She came to after about ten minutes, jerking forward and taking a big gasp of breath as though she’d drowned instead of froze. Then she looked at me, her eyes wide with fright.
    “What are you doing?”
    “Cadence, you were near frozen—”
    “How do you know my name?”
    Her voice was low, filled with fright. I tried to touch her hand, but she pulled away. And then she became aware of her nudity and immediately rolled up into a ball.
    “I was just trying to warm you up. You fell into a snow bank.”
    “I know what I did.”
    “You could have frozen to death. Gotten frostbite.”
    “Maybe that was preferable to being in the same cabin with the man who shot at me!”
    “How do you know my name? We never exchanged names. You never told me your name.”
    “I’m Marcus.”
    She shook her head. “I don’t care who you are. I want to know how you know me.”
    I studied her face, running my options around in my head. I could tell her the truth and risk losing my job. Or I could lie and risk causing her to run out the door again.
    I got up and grabbed a towel out of the bathroom.
    “Why don’t you get dressed first? Then we’ll talk.”
    She dragged her fingers through her hair, pressing the moisture against each strand. Then she looked at me.
    “What choice do I have?”
    I held the towel out between both hands. I refused to look away and she refused to pretend she didn’t know what I was doing. She stood, the water rushing away from her body as she did. Her nipples were standing erect, nearly pointing toward the ceiling. There were goose pimples all along her belly, her arms and legs. Just below her navel was another tattoo, this one a tiny heart that was shaded red and pink. Her hips flared out, her thighs rounded and perfectly toned. And then her beautiful cunt, the hair carefully trimmed.
    She was beautiful. My heart was pounding as I stared at her, my body responding to hers in a way it hadn’t done in a long time. There were women, but this…there was more than attraction going on here and it scared me a little.
    I wrapped the towel around her and picked her up, carrying her over to the bed. I wrapped her in blankets as she began to shiver.
    “You need to warm up.”
    “I need to know what the hell is going on!”
    Her eyes were snapping with anger, but she was shivering so hard that I knew she’d go into hyperthermia very quickly. I had to do something.
    I pushed her back against the mattress even as she began to protest, her hands pressed against my chest. I grabbed her wrists and trapped her hands over her head. Then I lay my body on top of hers, trapping her underneath me.
    “Get off me!”
    “You’re cold, Cadence. I’m just trying to warm you up.”
    “I’m not that cold!”
    But she was shivering hard enough that the bed was vibrating. I tugged away the blankets that were between us, pulling them over my own shoulders so that my body was directly against hers. She was struggling, moving against me, and it wasn’t really doing me any good. My cock was hard as a rock and her movements were just making it impossible to control. Or hide. Her hips came up against me and she suddenly went as still as a statue.
    We lay there like that for a long few minutes. She smelled so good, her wet hair releasing the rose and lavender fragrance of her shampoo, her skin giving off the soft, sweet scent of whatever she put on her skin, whatever made her smell so incredibly good. I wanted to kiss her, my lips were so close to her neck. I wanted to taste her, to nibble at her throat like she was the best food ever placed in front of me. I wanted to devour her.
    I lay very still, afraid if I moved, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.
    “Did you do it?” she asked softly. “Did you shoot at me?”
    “Yes,” I whispered softly. “But I never meant for you to get hurt.”
    She groaned as she

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