Crossroads (Crossroads Academy #1)
from Sociology. I found
your point… intriguing,” he says devilishly. He flashes me what
I’ve come to think of as ‘the smile’ and pushes his wild black hair
out of his eyes.
    “Go to hell,” I return.
    “I’m serious.” He ducks his head trying to
look as repentant as possible. It doesn’t work. Everything from his
black leather boots to his low slung jeans and fitted black V-neck
scream bad boy. I force myself to meet his eyes and ignore the way
the hard lines of his body press against the soft cotton of his
clothing. “I didn’t mean to upset you back there. I was just trying
to smooth things over a little bit. It was getting kind of intense,
and Blaine isn’t one to forgive and forget quickly.”
    “News flash: I don’t care what you or any of
your friends think.” I turn and point back toward the classroom
just in time to see Jade closing in on us.
    “Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai,” she sings
musically from perfectly glossed lips. “Collecting strays again?
When will you learn?” Once again it looks like she’s dressed from
her little sister’s closet in overly snug designer jeans and a red
blouse with buttons that look as though they might burst if she
were to take a deep breath.
    “Kind of busy now, Jade.”
    “Too busy for me?” she pouts, putting one
hand on her slender hip and forcing out her chest as if to remind
Nikolai of what he’s turning away.
    “Right now? Yeah.” His irritation is obvious,
and it’s not well received by Jade. Her too small blouse shows
plenty of skin and enough cleavage to melt the resolve of pretty
much every guy I’ve ever known. Nikolai, however, is not so easily
swayed. Maybe he’s seen it all before. It’s only there for a
second, but I don’t miss the hostility that briefly distorts her
pretty face.
    “I’ll remember that,” she returns icily
before storming off, blonde hair tossing in her wake. I turn and do
the same, leaving Nikolai standing alone in the hall.
    I inhale deeply allowing the scents of the
stable – hay, manure, horses – to fill my lungs. Maybe I’ll learn
to ride. I’ll bet Keegan could teach me. How hard can it be? I
decide to check the corral to see if he’s around.
    “Foiled again,” I murmur turning the corner
to discover that while Keegan is in the corral, Shaye is here once
again. Why couldn’t Aldo send me to a larger school? I keep running
into the same people everywhere I go. Shaye turned up earlier this
week in my Anatomy class. So much for being invisible.
    “Hey,” she calls cheerily tipping her chin at
the late afternoon sun. She’s wearing an oversized plaid shirt
that’s belted at the waist like a dress and a bright red cowgirl
hat which keeps her face and neck shaded. She must come out here a
lot. She’s certainly better prepared than I am, but I don’t
anticipate the late afternoon sun will be an issue. I’ve brought my
sunglasses, and, if I start to burn, I’ll return to the protection
of the stables.
    I step up to the rail and climb to the top,
straddling the upper berth next to Shaye.
    “Aren’t they beautiful?” she asks.
    “I don’t know much about horses,” I admit.
“But they certainly are impressive. I was thinking Keegan might
teach me to ride.”
    “Like I told you before, he’s a great
instructor. Very patient. Keegan taught me to ride a few years ago.
Before him I was practically a lost cause.”
    “Good to know,” I reply, studying his
movements. Keegan moves fluidly. He moves in concert with the
animal, each anticipating the others’ moves before they’re made. I
have no idea what breed he’s riding, but I can’t help but stare in
awe. She’s got a shiny black coat and large hooves that could
easily crush a human skull if provoked.
    “With his coaching I’ve ridden every breed in
the stable from the Quarters to the Arabians. If you’re serious,
Keegan will teach you whatever you want: racing, jumping, hunting.
Most of the students here don’t bother to

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