The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)

Free The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1) by Helen J. Barnes

Book: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1) by Helen J. Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen J. Barnes
do to that man, I get moist just watching him work.”
    She sounds horribly drunk and I bite my lip to contain my laughter but just the look on Corrine’s shocked face breaks me and I snort.
    “Did you hear about last weekend? Someone actually threw her knickers into the DJ box with her phone number written on the tag,” someone else pipes up out in the queue.
    “How desperate? Dayton would never go with anyone so low as to throw her underwear at him,” a third person chimes in.
    “He gave them to Luke!” Voice number two giggles as Corrine and I exit the cubicle and wash our hands. Macy gives me a wink before clearing her throat.
    “Well, I’m sorry, ladies, but I have it on very good authority from one of his closest friends that he is off the market,” Macy pipes up and all heads turn to her, the hand drier stops blowing and silence descends.
    “So, who is she then?” someone from the cubicle asks and I give Macy a wary look.
    “She’s from Salford and works in law. She is absolutely stunning, too. She didn’t have a clue who he was when they first met, she’d never even been to Lexis before,” Macy continues.
    “The lucky bitch. If she had met him here she wouldn’t have got within arm’s length of him with bitch tits around,” an older woman in her late forties pipes up from the end of the room. She is employed by the club and provides samples of designer make up and perfumes for clubbers to use for a small donation.
    All eyes turn to her and there is a murmur of agreement going around the room. “Maybe that’s why the mystery woman decided to throw her knickers at him then, to piss Regina off?” I chuckle.
    “Maybe they were Regina’s knickers?” Corrine gets everyone giggling and the atmosphere returns to normal. We go back to the booth and thank the guys for our drinks. That’s when I notice Regina standing behind the private bar. I can practically feel her eyes burning into my back and sure enough I’m getting a cold glare from across the room. I simply look away, not wanting to lower myself to her level. I go stand on the edge of the dance floor and admire Dayton from afar.
    I see the way he controls the whole crowd with the tracks he plays, the way he holds every one of them in the palm of his hand and works them. When the music changes and the breakdowns kick in they go nuts for him and the pleasure is evident on his face, he’s getting a huge adrenaline rush from them, and them from him.
    When the next DJ comes up into the DJ box to relieve him for his break Luke exits first, coming down the staircase to where a member of security is stood and a small group of people are gathering. When Dayton comes down the stairs I watch on in surprise as they all move forward to him, wanting to speak to him and get their minute in his company. It’s so strange to see people crowding around him like a celebrity.
    He poses for a few selfies and shakes hands with a few men, kisses a few women on the cheek and declines offers of drinks by point to his bottle of water in his hand. I’m smiling to myself, remembering what he said about the attention sometimes getting too much for him. It takes him at least five minutes to get across the dance floor and as he makes his way over towards the VIP area he spots me. I give him a small wave and he offers me a sexy grin before saying goodbye to a group of four girls who are hanging on his every word. He pushes past the clubbers and stands before me.
    “Alannah, I’m so glad you came. You look amazing, sugar,” he compliments before pulling me to him and kissing me quickly on the mouth. “Let’s get a drink, what would you like?” He takes my hand and leads me to the bar. Regina sees us coming and I can see she wants to curl her lip but she doesn’t, she offers Dayton a megawatt smile instead.
    “Amazing set, Dayton. I bet you’re ready for a drink after that, babe?” She instantly pulls out a bottle of Budweiser and pops the cap.
    “Thanks, Regina.

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