Behind A Twisted Smile (Dark Minds Book 2)

Free Behind A Twisted Smile (Dark Minds Book 2) by Faith Mortimer

Book: Behind A Twisted Smile (Dark Minds Book 2) by Faith Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faith Mortimer
happening. What we’re saying is, we could have prevented an infestation by making sure the timbers were dry.”
    “But what can you do? Are you positive they’re death-watch beetles? How much work is involved? Can you spray something on the beams?” I threw my questions at them, thinking of my diary and my regular clients.
    The renovator, who, I had been informed, was also an experienced structural engineer, shook his head. “Not really. The chemicals only reach into part of the timbers, and yes, we’re sure there’s an infestation in at least four beams. We’ve found holes—flight holes they’re called—where the beetles escape. The best and most effective treatment is to keep the timbers dry. In this case, we’re going to have to remove these beams, as are they’ve rotted at the ends. I wouldn’t advocate leaving them too long because it could be dangerous.”
    I raised my eyebrows. “What? You mean the ceiling could come down on me? Blimey.”
    He nodded. “Yes. If it was a mild infestation, we’d wait until the spring and catch the emerging adults with ultraviolet incestocutors. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.”
    After he had left, Neville turned to me. “I know this is a blow, Moya, but I want to be careful. I’d hate anyone to get hurt because of neglect.”
    “How long are we talking? I mean, how long will I have to stop work before I can start again?”
    Neville scratched his head. “With the removal and then putting the new beams in place, plus the decorating, we must be talking at least two weeks.”
    Two weeks! Okay, so I had money in my savings to rely on. I wouldn’t starve, but more importantly my regulars weren’t going to be too happy.
    “Perhaps the best thing would be for you to take a holiday,” he suggested. “When was the last time you had one?”
    I frowned, maybe he had a point. It had been quite a while since my last vacation.
    We discussed when the work was due to start, as I had to let my clients know in good time, and then I hurried home. I was seeing Jon that evening, and I needed to get showered and changed before he arrived.
    Jon and I attended a concert at the civic hall, but the orchestra wasn’t the London Philharmonic and the string section left a lot to be desired. During the interval, we decided to leave the venue and go for a light supper in one of Jon’s favourite restaurants, a tiny French bistro.
    “Sorry about the concert,” he said later as we finished the bottle of red Bordeaux.
    “It doesn’t matter. It’s nice here and I was hungry.”
    We stared into each other’s eyes and leaned nearer to each other until our lips met. I felt his hand on my cheek; it was a light kiss, a promise of what was to come.
    I couldn’t put it off any longer and I didn’t want to. We paid the bill and left the bistro, hips touching, his arm around my shoulders. I felt his thigh, firm and long against mine. As we turned to each other and kissed again, I saw a light flare in his eyes. He knew it was to be that night, too.
    We buckled up in Jon’s car and were on our way. I tried to keep the feeling inside dampened down by glancing out of the window, watching the ever-changing view of the town. I leant against the glass as we passed other cars beetling along the roads, coloured lights changing, couples waiting for buses, horns, sirens and engine sounds. I saw and heard them all and took nothing in. My heart thumped in my breast, I found it hard to catch my breath.
    I felt…nervous. It was irrational, I know. But Martyn’s words kept churning around in my mind and were in danger of spoiling what should have been a magical moment. I wasn’t upset by his and Evie’s engagement, nor was I finding it tough because they were together. Far from it.
    No, the only thing bothering me was Martyn deducing Jon and I hadn’t been a true couple. Not yet, anyhow. How had the louse guessed? Had he some means of spying on me? I squeezed my eyes shut, as if by doing so, I

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