
Free K-9 by Rohan Gavin

Book: K-9 by Rohan Gavin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rohan Gavin
off, so he and Wilbur could observe unseen.
    ‘What are they doing here . . . ?’ Darkus uttered under his breath. ‘What are they sniffing around for?’
    Wilbur let out a low growl and his tail sank fearfully between his legs.
    The dogs gazed up at the office for another full thirty seconds, then appeared to nod at each other and trotted away with identical purpose, but in opposite directions. Darkus squinted to check his eyes hadn’t deceived him.
    Within moments, the dogs had exited from opposing ends of the street.
    Darkus took a moment to process this nonsensical evidence, then confidently re-entered the office, closely followed by Wilbur.
    His father was in mid-speech: ‘I promised once, and I’ll promise you again, Jackie. I won’t let any harm come to him . . .’
    ‘Dad, I need to speak to Mum,’ Darkus interjected with certainty.
    ‘Hold on a tick –’ said Knightley, attempting to bring her to a halt. ‘Doc wants to speak to you.’ He shrugged and passed the phone guiltily back to Darkus.
    ‘Mum, I’m sorry to do this . . . again,’ he admitted, knowing how unfair it was on her. ‘But in the light of recent events I am now convinced the game is – once again – afoot, and Dad needs my help . . . more than ever.’
    Her voice came through the handset. ‘Darkus, I know how loyal you are to your dad, and I respect that. But you’re still a child –’
    ‘Mum, listen to me. For the moment, my being at Wolseley Close is not safe, not for me  . . . not for you , Clive or Tilly. Something is going on, and until I work out what it is, I’m staying in London with Dad.’
    ‘And I suppose I have no say in this?’ she argued.
    ‘You trusted me once. Just trust me again.’
    ‘What d’you expect me to say, Darkus?’ Jackie’s voice wavered with emotion. ‘If I agree I’m putting you in harm’s way, and if I refuse –’
    ‘You’ll be doing the exact same thing,’ Darkus answered for her.
    ‘So what am I meant to do?’ she asked helplessly.
    ‘Call Cranston on Monday. Be as convincing as you can. Tell them I’m suffering a bout of seasonal influenza, my temperature is fluctuating between thirty-nine and forty-one degrees, my glands are up and you’ve confined me to bed rest for the next few days. At least until the full moon.’
    Knightley raised his eyebrows, realising his son was now, without question, on the case.
    ‘Until the full moon . . . ?’ Jackie asked, incredulous.
    Darkus realised he’d said too much. ‘Yes. I believe I will have completed my work here by then. Thanks for understanding, Mum.’
    ‘Wait, Darkus –’
    ‘The trail is getting cold, Mum. I love you. I’ll keep my phone on whenever I can, as long as it doesn’t compromise the investigation. Bye for now.’ Darkus winced and ended the call, then looked up at his dad.
    ‘She’ll understand,’ said Knightley in an attempt at reassurance. ‘It’s me she won’t forgive.’
    ‘I’m more concerned by our current predicament,’ said Darkus. ‘Have you noticed a pair of dogs conducting surveillance on the office?’
    ‘Dogs? Conducting surveillance?’
    ‘I believe so, yes,’ said Darkus.
    ‘I’ve seen nothing of the kind.’
    ‘Then I must assume they’ve either eluded your attention, or they have somehow followed me from Wolseley Close – incredible as that may sound.’
    ‘You saw them there as well?’ asked Knightley, astonished.
    Darkus nodded. ‘Last night . . . And they’re no ordin­ary canines. They appear to be a particularly aggressive-looking Rottweiler mix.’ Darkus hesitated, before proceeding with testimony that he knew full well would provide a lit match to his father’s most explosive and far-fetched ideas. ‘I only have visual evidence, in poor light, but I believe – irrational as it sounds – that these dogs are able to communicate with each other, possibly in an operational capacity.’
    ‘You mean they’re “smart” dogs?’

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