New Frontiers (Expansion Wars Trilogy, Book 1)

Free New Frontiers (Expansion Wars Trilogy, Book 1) by Joshua Dalzelle

Book: New Frontiers (Expansion Wars Trilogy, Book 1) by Joshua Dalzelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Dalzelle
it back, then rig it to blow in a demonstration that was impressive in its raw destructive power. The initial analysis by the CIC indicated that the blast was on an order of magnitude greater than the Icarus’s entire weapons payload combined.
    So turning tail and running was the only viable option in the short term while she was facing a numerically superior enemy of unknown capability, but she needed to come up with something else and come up with it fast. Her hope was that she would get a response soon from her still-transmitting message, but the longer the engagement went on the less likely that seemed. Whatever the motivation for the warning, they weren’t talking.
    “The support frigates have transitioned out of the system, ma’am,” Accari said after another four hours. “However, the Vought has dropped off the Link. Waiting on confirmation from the Midlands as to what might have been the issue. They were still twenty-two hours from the jump point at last update.” Celesta clenched her hands. The Vought was a heavy assault cruiser that probably should have been retired from service six decades ago. It was as likely she’d floundered and lost power while trying to run as it was she was destroyed by the enemy, a term Celesta had to now concede was appropriate.
    “Direct message from the Midlands ,” Ellison reported. “The Vought was destroyed by what they’re calling an energy lance of some sort. After it had destroyed the Vought, the ship vanished.”
    “Vanished?” Celesta turned to glare at her com officer, her mouth going dry at the news of a lost ship.
    “That’s what the report says, ma’am,” Ellison said helplessly.
    “ All ships, this is Agent Uba aboard the CIS Prowler ,” the familiar voice overrode their com system and was broadcast over the bridge speakers. “ The enemy vessels are apparently attempting to capture Terran ships. Do not let them close on you. The Leighton has been captured and somehow transported out of the system while the Vought was lost completely … I suggest to the taskforce commander that we break contact and escape while possible. The Prowler is on the way out of the system now. This has to be reported to CENTCOM. Agent Uba out. ”
    “Coms, broadcast the emergency withdraw order,” Celesta said without hesitation. “Emergency short hops are authorized … just tell them to get away as best they can.”
    “Captain, our four bogies are accelerating,” Lieutenant Commander Adler said. “They’ll overtake us before the X-Ray jump point at their current rate.”
    Celesta looked at her own display to verify the information herself. “Helm, zero thrust,” she said. “Bring the prow about to course one-eight-zero by zero, attitude jets only.”
    “Engines answering zero thrust, aye,” the helmsman said after pulling the throttles all the way back. “Bringing the Icarus about to course one-eight-zero by zero.” The manual course commands would have the ship rotate about on her Z-axis so she would be flying in the same direction but stern first.
    “Tactical, optimum range for the first volley of Shrikes, if you please,” Celesta said, the familiar adrenaline of combat beginning to course through her.
    “All four tangos are within optimum performance envelope for the Shrikes,” Adler said.
    “Very good, Lieutenant Commander,” Celesta said. “Stagger fire pattern, twenty-second delay between shots, maximum yield.”
    “Parameters set, Captain.”
    “Missiles one through four are away,” Adler said. “Missiles five through eight standing by.”
    “Coms, broadcast to our remaining ships that they are weapons free but their priority is to escape,” Celesta said.
    “Second volley is away!” Adler said.
    “Confirm tracking,” Celesta ordered.
    “Tracks confirmed,” Accari said. “All eight missiles are burning hot and tracking true.”
    “Helm, bring the Icarus to bear on her original course and then run the mains to full emergency

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