Lords of the Deep
for me!”
    Damien rolled his eyes, but he noticed she was studying the devise. “Why don’t you try playing back what you’ve already recorded? See if she catches on to what it is you’re trying to do?”
    Miles looked a little doubtful but pressed the replay and held it up. Her face lit up immediately with excitement. She made a grab for the recorder and glared at Miles when he snatched it out of her reach.
    “Give it to her,” Damien said.
    “What if she breaks it?” Miles demanded. “I don’t have another one.”
    “I’ll buy another … or you can take it out of what you owe me,” Damien said tightly.
    “Fine!” Miles snapped. “But just because she looked pleased, it doesn’t follow that she knows what it is.”
    “I know, but if she does, and she’s grasped what you want, it’s probably your best shot at getting what you need. Otherwise, you could be following her around for weeks just trying to get enough data to work.”
    “True,” Miles admitted thoughtfully. He studied her for a moment and finally offered the recorder to her on his palm.
    She eyed it suspiciously and refused to take it.
    “She thinks I’m going to grab her like you did yesterday,” Miles said out of the corner of his mouth.
    Damien took it out of his hand and tossed it to her. Her eyes rounded in surprise, and her lips. She blinked and threw her hands up to cover her face instead of trying to catch it. It bounced off her palm and hit the bed, but she grabbed it up before Miles could. After studying it in frowning concentration for several moments, she pushed the button Miles had, pushing it again as soon as it stopped playing. Pushing the record button, she started talking.
    Miles studied her with a mixture of pleased surprise and disfavor. Finally, he reached for her hand and pulled on it to put more distance between her mouth and the unit. “Not so close. It’s sensitive. We won’t get anything recognizable.”
    She studied him for a moment, reddening slightly, but she didn’t try to put it close to her mouth again.
    “I don’t know where I am,” Angie began again, “but just in case there’s some possibility that anyone outside of this place gets hold of this, I’ve been kidnapped by some very strange beings. They may be aliens. I don’t know, but they’re really weird, and really big and scary.”
    Damien grinned at her.
    Miles grinned happily at her, as well, nodding encouragement.
    “I’ll go get her something to eat,” Damien said. “She hardly ate enough last night to keep a minnow alive.”
    “You brought food?” Miles asked with interest. “Bring me something, too.”
    Damien halted, swiveling around to glare at him. “You can get your own damned food! I brought plenty.”
    Miles shrugged. “Alright … in a minute,” he murmured absently, having just discovered that Angie was so intrigued with the recorder that she seemed to have forgotten she wasn’t swaddled. Although, maybe she thought she’d hidden everything when she’d drawn herself up into such a tight little knot?
    Still, he could see the red thatch and the lips of her sex between her legs. Leaning forward, he reached to touch the thatch to see if it felt like the caplet on her head—which he’d had the chance to explore with his fingers while she was asleep. She clamped her legs together just about the time he was almost within reach of his goal, pinning his arm between them, and popped him soundly on top of the head—twice.
    He jerked back out of her reach, glaring at her indignantly. “This is purely for the sake of science!” he said stiffly, gesturing toward his cock. “I’m not even displaying!”
    He’d hardly gotten the words out of his mouth when he discovered that the pain he’d been ignoring in his groin actually was a display. “Well, fuck!” he muttered, staring at it and realizing he couldn’t even claim it wasn’t waving. The damned thing was pointed at her as unerringly as a compass needle. “You

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