My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3)

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Book: My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3) by Kia Carrington-Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell
already flicked back over three months.
                  I looked up at my mother and sister speechless. They starred back at me with some sort of knowing smile. I just stared at them silently. No thought came to mind; I was utterly stunned.
                  “That. . .” I stammered. “That… I… I can’t be,” I said in shock. That had to be a mistake. The sound of a photo being taken took me away from my daze. Megan sat there with her phone poised in the air.
                  “I’m sorry it’s not very often I see you speechless,” Megan said with a smile.
                  “Megan!” My mother lectured her. My mother rested her hand on mine. “Sweetie, what are you thinking?” I was still numb and shocked. I tried to say something but closed my mouth again. I had no answer, I was utterly stunned. It couldn’t be true.
                  “Hold up. I think I’ve got a spare pregnancy test,” Megan said as she stood up and walked behind my mother and me. My mother was quick to snap around on Megan.
                  “And why do you have one?” My mother said accusingly. Megan shrugged her off.
                  “Eh, I had a scare a few months ago. My period was late, but who knows, maybe I was going in sync with a certain someone who hasn’t been getting hers.”
                  “Megan, you are really not helping!” My mother lectured her again. She shrugged and walked through the lounge room and up the stairs.
                  “Clover,” my mother said reminding me she was still there.
                  “Mom,” I said far too calmly and smooth. I sounded like a robot. “I, I don’t understand,” was all I could say. My heart pounded in my chest and that nauseous swirl crept up again. I ran over to the bin and hurled into it, pushing my hair to the side. I hunched over it in a sobbing manner. My mother held my hair from behind, stroking through it.
                  “I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I was vomiting almost every day with you girls,” she commented. I sagged further to the floor and sat against the bench. I wiped my mouth with the dishcloth that was beside my head and hung on the stove. I looked at my belly self-consciously and suddenly very aware of that minor weight gain I passed off as something else.
                  Megan walked back into the room with a small box in her hand. “You know I noticed you had a little chub on your stomach. I didn’t want to say anything, and don’t get me wrong you’re still rocking the pencil skirts.”
                  She knelt down in front of me and held out the pregnancy test to me. “You know, I was a horny rabbit when I was pregnant, just saying. If you and Damon are having wild crazy sex, it’s probably because you are super sensitive everywhere and your hormones are in overdrive. I used to tear shreds into that ex idiot of mine.” My mother still stood beside her with her arms crossed. She looked somewhat worried. Obviously the shock I felt was as evident on my face. “Come on,” Megan encouraged. “Only one way to be sure and then we will take it from there afterwards.”

Chapter Thirteen

    “ C lover, earth to Clover?” Megan snapped her fingers in front of me. Two little faint lines. It was the simplest of things and yet it impacted me so greatly, I had no words. I just stared at the stupid test in my hand. I sat on the edge of the bathtub clinging one hand to it like it anchored my entire world. That nauseous vomit sensation rose again. I took a deep breath to hold it down. “Oi. Snap out of it.” Megan banged against the bathtub startling me. My mother lectured her again but it was just the startle I needed to try and focus and think of what I was going to do.
                  “What do I do?” I asked them.

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