My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3)

Free My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3) by Kia Carrington-Russell

Book: My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3) by Kia Carrington-Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell
aren’t sure of our relationship. . .” I knew how silly it sounded as I said it out loud.
                  “But you know you shouldn’t validate your relationship on what everyone says, right?” Megan said.
                  “I know. I just, I can’t help but feel like this and it’s really frustrating me. An hour before we went to the gallery a few nights ago we had the most amazing sex, sorry Mom,” I added with a small smile. “I just couldn’t get enough of him; I was an animal. And then within hours I snapped and wanted to be by myself. Someone mentioned me being his fiancée and he made it clear that I wasn’t,” I added. I still wasn’t sure how that made me feel. I mean I wasn’t his fiancée but it felt like a form of rejection in a way. He said he didn’t mean to offend me by it, but I was. We hadn’t yet discussed marriage but I wondered if Damon wanted a future like that with me. I now questioned everything.
                  “Are you upset that he hasn’t proposed?” Megan asked intrigued. My mother looked back and forth between us.
                  “Well it’s not about that. I haven’t even thought about that myself. I just, I don’t know where my head’s at all of a sudden, and I want to stop being this psycho because it’s affecting my work as well. I’ve never acted like this and I don’t know what to do.”
                  “Damon’s a good boy and I can tell he loves you dearly,” my mother said. “I don’t think he’s done anything to hurt you purposely Clover. He’s very considerate of you and rather doting.”
                  “I know which is why I am so infuriated by all of this, most of all I hate me in all of this. How on earth is it fair for a guy like him to end up with me?” I asked almost in tears now. I sighed out in frustration looking to the wall. Again that emotion bubbled on top of me and I felt like I was going to explode with frustration.
                  “Hayden said you were vomiting today?” Megan questioned. I took another breath before looking at her. Of course Hayden had told her that.
                  “Damon’s been sick for a few days, I think I caught something off him or maybe it’s the stress,” I said still trying to calm myself. Megan and my mother exchanged another glance.
                  “What?” I said now frustrated at them. I shook my head in apologies. Tears began to spill down my cheeks. Why was I like this? I went to take another sip of my wine, but my mother’s hand rested on mine. She smiled at me politely and grabbed the glass from my hand.
                  I looked at her surprised and uncertain as to why she was confiscating my wine, I didn’t feel drunk. Admittedly alcohol never helped anyone deal with their issues, but I certainly wanted to try and take the edge off. My mother placed my glass on the other side of her.
                  “Clover, my beautiful strong and so over calculating daughter who is the organizer and perfectionist of this lifetime,” she said dramatically. “When was the last time you had your period?”
                  “What?!” I asked her narrowing my eyes on her. I didn’t understand her question until it dawned on me. “You think I’m pregnant? That’s ridiculous. . .” As I said it my mind started doing some calculations. My eyebrows burrowed in confusion as none of the numbers were adding up.
                  I got out of my chair and grabbed the wall calendar which rested near the fridge. I flicked through the months trying to pinpoint my last period. Much to my dismay, I couldn’t remember. Hopelessly lost in the dates that seemed to flood me, I ripped it off the wall and sat back down with it. I just starred at the dates, trying to think of events which happened on certain weeks and questioned if I had them then. I had

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