My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3)

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Book: My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3) by Kia Carrington-Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell
“What do you mean, what do you do? Probably start by telling Damon,” Megan said. I looked at her shocked. I wrapped my arm around myself self-consciously. We had never spoken of children.
                  “What if he doesn’t want kids?” I asked pathetically. We had never discussed this nor did I expect this so soon.
                  “Clover, if there is one thing I’ve learnt about that man,” my mother grabbed my attention. “It is that he loves you unconditionally and I think you will be surprised by how excited he is by this. Men are funny that way. They melt like butter when it comes to their own children.”
                  “Well some do,” Megan said begrudgingly. Her ex who was the father of Ethan and Christian was both abusive and now an alcoholic as well. “But Damon I could totally see being pushed around by mini Brogardt’s. How does he act around his new niece?”
                  “He doesn’t want to hold her very often because she is so small and he’s scared he will hurt her,” I panicked. What if he doesn’t want to hold our child? Our child. Our child. Our baby. Baby. The words just repeated in my mind so unnaturally.
                  “Don’t worry about that, men are like that all the time, but it’s different with their own,” my mother said. I pressed my hand to my stomach as if readying to feel something, of course nothing happened. It was strange to think that I harbored a baby inside of me right now. Guilt flushed over me as I thought about all the wine and beer I had in that time.
                  “I was drinking,” I said panicked. What if I had caused harm to it, what if I hurt it in anyway? Megan began to laugh. My mother gave her a warning glare.
                  “Clover, you’ve found out like most people. People drink all the time without realizing. You didn’t know, certainly don’t beat yourself up about it,” my mother said.
                  “Oi,” Megan rested her hand on mine. “This is a happy occasion. This is a celebration. Clover you are going to be a mother, there is no greater gift in the world.” It sounded like something my mother would say. I stared at Megan for a moment. She now had two children, nine and seven. She had experience, she knew what to do. I had never thought much about children let alone how to raise my own.
                  “But you know what you’re doing. I don’t,” My voice came out squeaky, I didn’t want to disappoint this baby. I was still trying to grasp onto this being a reality, but already I felt somewhat protective of it. Although I didn’t feel good for the way that I acted and treated Damon, all those mixed emotions and mood swings slightly made sense to me. At least there was a cause and I wasn’t turning into a terrible person. A small part of me felt relieved, but then on a larger scale I was daunted by the idea of what was to come.
                  “I don’t know what I am doing, no one does. You just take it as it comes,” Megan said honestly. “You just need to remember that you are the strongest and most incredible, hard-working woman I know. You succeed in everything else you do so don’t have any doubt in this. Besides, the first few years you helped me greatly with my two. Remember that I was basically giving you practice and thank me.” She cocked a smile at the end.
                  I let out a part cry part laugh sigh. “I’m pregnant,” I said in a low voice. “I think.” I burrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
                  “No Clover, there’s no, you think. You are,” Megan said. You have all of tomorrow to think about how you are going to tell Damon on Sunday. Don’t doubt his loyalty or love for you. He will be stoked.”
                  “We work so hard. His work-” My mother cut me off.

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