Trick or Treat

Free Trick or Treat by Lesley Glaister

Book: Trick or Treat by Lesley Glaister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lesley Glaister
says. ‘Lunch. Great.’ She walks straight through the room and, still wrapped in her baggy coat, goes up the stairs.
    â€˜Oi!’ calls Petra.
    â€˜Just a minute.’
    â€˜What’s she up to?’ mutters Petra.
    â€˜Can I have her soup?’ asks Bobby.
    Petra frowns at him. Buffy comes downstairs, sheds her coat and tucks into her lunch. Wolfe wipes a slice of bread round his bowl. The soup is sweet and smooth and delicious. They never had tinned soup at the Longhouse. It was usually lentil and full of ragged chunks of turnip. But still, despite the soup it would be nice to be there. Everyone would help with the bonfire there and it would be gigantic.
    â€˜I’ll only go and ask Arthur if he’s got any wood if I can invite him,’ he says to Petra.
    She pushes her still-damp hair back from her face and smiles at him. ‘Oh all right. Maybe I’ll invite that side too,’ she says. ‘The more the merrier. She might be offended if she sees we’ve invited Olive and Arthur and not her.’ She switches her gaze to Buffy. ‘And what did you have hidden under your coat?’
    â€˜Oh no …’ she begins but the gate bangs again. Wolfe sees a dark curly head.
    â€˜It’s Tom!’ he cries.
    â€˜Wotcha,’ says Tom. ‘Hello mate.’ He rubs Wolfe’s head.
    â€˜Didn’t expect you,’ says Petra, getting up. ‘I’ll make some tea.’
    Tom sits down on her chair and throws a carrier-bag on the table.
    â€˜What is it?’ asks Buffy.
    â€˜Take a look.’ Buffy grabs it before Wolfe can reach and pulls out an oblong box.
    â€˜Fireworks!’ shrieks Wolfe. ‘Let me see! Let me see!’
    â€˜Let Wolfie look,’ says Petra. ‘Anything to eat, Tom?’
    â€˜Just because he’s the youngest,’ complains Buffy, slinging the box at Wolfe. He opens it carefully and is the first to sniff the gunpowdery smell.
    â€˜Brilliant!’ he breathes. The box is packed with fat paper tubes and cones and coils. ‘Traffic Lights,’ he reads. ‘Golden Rain. Vesuvius. Shattering Star. Look at this rocket! Red Arrow … and sparklers!’ It is like a box of treasure. He fingers each one.
    â€˜Be careful or you’ll bust them,’ Bobby says. ‘What was under your coat, Buffy?’
    â€˜Shut up,’ Buffy says. ‘Let me look now.’ She snatches the box away.
    â€˜Remember Jumping Jacks?’ Tom asks Petra. She brings the teapot to the table and Wolfe sees him stroke her bottom.
    â€˜They used to chase you round the garden!’ Petra laughs. ‘I nearly got one in my wellie once. Terrifying.’
    Petra stoops and kisses the top of Tom’s head. Wolfe shrugs. He wishes they’d make up their minds whether they’re still in love or not. He hears a funny scritchy-scratchy noise.
    â€˜What’s that noise?’ he asks.
    â€˜What noise?’
    They are all quiet and they all hear the noise.
    â€˜Oh heck,’ says Buffy. Wolfe opens the door and a tiny black kitten tumbles into the room. It give a high-pitched miaow and totters on its wobbly legs towards the table.
    â€˜Nothing?’ says Petra, looking accusingly at Buffy. ‘I thought we agreed. No pets.’
    Buffy picks the kitten up and buries her nose in its fur. She mutters something inaudible.
    â€˜Tom said no pets, not you. And he’s never here. I thought you’d split up.’
    Tom pulls a face. He gets out his tobacco and papers and busies himself rolling a cigarette.
    â€˜That’s got nothing to do with it,’ Petra says. ‘You can’t just go getting a pet without consulting me.’
    â€˜You never consulted me about the baby!’ mumbles Buffy.
    Petra flushes and looks as if she might cry. Tom gives Buffy a filthy look and pours Petra some tea.
    â€˜Sorry,’ mumbles

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