The Wayfarer King
when they broke through the trees on Rogan’s property. Gavin’s nephews GJ and Jaesh clacked wooden swords together, laughing and taunting each other. From the way GJ lunged forward and back, his leg looked completely healed. Gavin couldn’t have said he was surprised.
    “Uncle Gavin!” they cried in unison, running toward the riders.
    Gavin smiled broadly and wondered how he would deliver the news that they were now princes. Or were they? GJ rushed to his side and reached up. Gavin grasped his arms to pull him onto Golam’s back, facing him. The boy’s legs stretched across Gavin’s thighs, and Gavin held him steady by one arm. “My leg’s all better, Uncle Gavin! Papa said you healed me. Is that true?”
    He gave a noncommittal shrug. “Could be.” He took the scabbard from his back and passed it to Jaesh. “Take a look at this,” he said, “but be careful. This blade’s much sharper than my old one.”
    “Aiy, Uncle Gavin, snakes! This is lofty!” Jaesh exclaimed, taking the weapon. As they continued walking the horses toward the house, he whistled in appreciation. “Look at these gems.”
    GJ cast a glance at Daia. “Who’s she?” he whispered.
    “Daia, meet my nephews Jaesh and GJ. This is Daia Saberheart.”
    “A pleasure,” she said.
    He gestured for his two guards to come forward. “That’s Dona and Nasharla.”
    “Whoa, real Viragon Sisters,” Jaesh said.
    “What do you know about the Sisterhood?” Daia asked.
    “My papa says their battlers can cut your head off as cleanly as any man could.”
    She smiled. “Your papa speaks truly.”
    “My name’s Gavin too,” GJ told her, “but everyone calls me GJ. That stands for Gavin Junior.” He stood on Golam’s back, balancing with Gavin’s hands on his waist. He stepped around Gavin and wrapped himself around Gavin from behind.
    Gavin held onto the boy’s hands clasped at his throat. “Ready? Hold tight now.” He dismounted with GJ clinging to his back, letting out a long, exaggerated groan. “You’re getting too big and I’m getting too old for that.” GJ released his hold and slid to the ground.
    Daia dismounted as well and began to loosen her saddle and remove her armor. “Another nephew?” She lifted her chin toward a boy standing against the house. He looked about Jaesh’s age with short blond hair but stood a few inches shorter. He wore a shirt sized for a man and a curious expression on his face.
    “Who might you be?” Gavin asked as he removed his cuirass.
    “Trevick, my lord.”
    “This is my Uncle Gavin,” Jaesh said. “And that’s Daia Saberheart. She’s a Viragon Sister. GJ, run tell Papa that Uncle Gavin’s here.”
    GJ took off as instructed, with no evidence of a limp in his gait. Gavin wondered how Rogan was handling the gossip and speculation. In a community this small, word about GJ’s injury would have spread quickly and word about his miraculous recovery even more so, and more widely.
    “Do you live nearby, Trevick?” Daia asked.
    The boy nodded and pointed east. “A couple of plots over.”
    Rogan stepped out the front door as he pulled on a shirt. “Little Brother! Didn’t think we’d see you again so soon. Glad you could come. We got a pig roasting. Are you hungry?”
    “Always,” Gavin said. He embraced his brother tightly and shared a few good-natured slams on the back, each one trying to hit harder than the other. Then he introduced his brother to Daia.
    She leaned forward to shake his hand. “My pleasure. The family resemblance is remarkable. You two could almost be twins.”
    “’Cept Gavin looks like he been trampled by a herd o’beyonders. Nice to meet you. We got a gathering going on in the back. Come on around.”
    “Gavin,” Liera said gaily, walking out. “You’re home!” She reached to hug him, and he swept her into his arms and twirled her around, then planted a kiss on her cheek as he set her back on her feet. “Look at you! You’re too lean, and you need a

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