Flying High
Flying High
    They rested for a while on the bed but never stopped touching one another. David’s hand smoothed Kay’s hair while hers played with Greg’s nipples and Greg’s fingers traced the internal side of her soft thighs. She kissed David’s shoulder and teasingly bit it when Greg’s knee found its way between her legs and a pair of strong hands grabbed her hips. It was David rolling her on top of Greg so that he could explore her back and legs while Kay straddled his co-worker.
    She had always favored that position, so she leaned down and kissed him. Greg was such a good kisser she almost forgot about David as she concentrated on playing with the gorgeous pilot’s luscious lips, their tongues performing a primitive dance that set their bodies on fire.
    The flight attendant reminded Kay of his presence when his cool fingers and mouth started exploring her backside. David first planted a single kiss in the middle of her back. As one fingertip slowly traced a downward trajectory until it came to a stop at the top of her round bottom, his mouth followed that wicked path, scattering moist kisses on her smooth skin. She felt goose-bumps forming under David’s mouth and tongue and she gasped when his fingers found the two dimples on top of her derriere. He pressed the tip of his tongue down on them and she sighed inside Greg’s mouth as David played with her senses evoking her darkest desires and she realized where his mouth and fingers were heading. Kay was about to lose control when David sensed it and retreated his mouth from her leaving only a soft, wicked finger to linger there.
    “Have you ever done it this way, gorgeous? Has anyone pleasured you in here?”
    “No,” she struggled to answer.
    “I bet you’d like it, though.”
    She had never let a man do that because she was terrified of the pain but she secretly wanted to try it. Badly. Even more so as David’s hands cupped her soft cheeks and squeezed them together and placed a kiss on them as Greg grabbed her face in his hands and stared into her eyes.
    “Would you like that, beautiful? We can make it happen, the three of us.”
    * * * *

    “K ay, you’ve got to be kidding me! That long? I can’t believe it.”
    “Believe me, Syl. It’s true.”
    Sylvia’s silence didn’t make Kay feel any better. Her friend also didn’t look her in the eyes, which made her think Sylvia wouldn’t say another word about the delicate subject. She sighed in relief because she wanted to drop the subject of the conversation Sylvia had started.
    She soon realized how wrong she was, though. Once her best friend processed the shocking information, she didn’t leave Kay be, “We will change that. I’ll help you out, honey.”
    “Thanks, Syl. I appreciate your concern but there’s nothing you can do about it. In fact, I’m used to it. I don’t really care either way. Besides, today is the last day of your vacation. Tomorrow you’ll fly back home so drop it and let’s talk about more interesting things.”
    “How do you mean ‘you’re used to it’, Kay?”
    Ignoring her plea to change the subject, Sylvia went on as her voice went higher. Kay realized she had managed to shock her friend even more with that last revelation.
    “You shouldn’t settle! Damn it, you can’t give up on something as important as that!” 
    Kay’s discomfort only grew in intensity as her friend tried to argue against her current situation. Nevertheless, she knew her friend meant well so she decided to use one last argument to make Sylvia see her reasons for having given up on any hope of developing some kind of love life, which really meant - the possibility of having sex any time soon.
    “It’s too much work, Syl. And, to be honest with you, I’m not so sure I like it that much, anyway.”
    Kay actually blushed at her friend’s shocked expression. The deep silence that followed didn’t help her feel more comfortable. She had made Sylvia

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