The Switch
deliberation, but her grip was firm, commanding,
perfect. A slow shiver crept down his scalp to his toes, every
nerve tightening on alert as she traced the curve of his ass,
fingertips teasing along his crevice before lightly cupping his
    Kneading, massaging, stroking, pulling -
Grayson’s entire state of being narrowed down to Marion’s touch.
When her thumb pressed into the flesh behind his sac, he groaned,
melting and igniting at once.
    A sharp squeeze at the base of his cock.
    “You will come only when I say you may,” she
    “Yes,” he hissed immediately, eyes shut in
bliss and consternation.
    The stroking began anew, but she proceeded
to explore his ass at the same time. Apprehension blended with
anticipation as a single fingertip neared his entrance. He knew
enough of his own anatomy to want this, yet it was still taboo,
just this side of wrong.
    Eyes squeezed shut, Grayson dug his hands
into the bedding when she reached his opening, barely tracing a
teasing circle there. Thank god she released his cock at that
moment, because he nearly spilled himself.
    “How many?” Marion asked, lightly massaging
his anus now, but not pressing in.
    “Pardon?” he mumbled. Hadn’t he already said
a couple of times?
    “How many fingers?” she clarified. “Two?
Three? Just one?”
    How could a question be so clinical yet so
    “Two,” he answered, not adding that they’d
been his own. The couple of women with whom he’d played in this
arena had been less than confident about it.
    Her touch left him briefly, and the bed gave
a slight shift. Seconds later, she returned, the soft friction of
her finger slicked now, more insistent in pressure. Her other hand
resumed its place around his erection. Taking a deep, unsteady
breath, Grayson forced himself to relax and wait.
    “Push out a little,” she gently coaxed,
making him feel like a clueless little virgin. But when he did,
that slow invasion made his head spin.
    “Did you ever come?” she asked. Her finger
inched inward by fractions while she massaged his cock.
    Although I might very well right now.
    He gritted his teeth and willed himself
under control. It wasn’t the physical sensation, but the illicit
nature of the whole thing - Marion McKellan, there, pumping his
dick and fingering his ass. He couldn’t have dreamed of a more
erotic fantasy. Of course he was hot. The brain was the biggest
erogenous zone in the body, after all—
    “Fuck!” The air left him in a dizzying rush,
only to suck back in on a hard gasp.
    What the fuck was that?
    It happened again, a jolting sensation like
her finger was stroking him from the inside of his cock. His lungs
stopped working correctly. He was sure he’d just come all over the
bedspread, but he was still rock-hard. And behind him, that soft,
velvety laugh, low and full of sin.
    “Remember what I said, Jones.” Her grip
tightened around him almost painfully, and he was grateful for
    His brain sluggishly turned over and took a
little bit of control back.
    “Yes, Mistress. I - I’m sorry.” Can I
have another? he almost added.
    He wondered if he’d said that last part out
loud, because her finger slid out, the tip lingering barely inside
his entrance, woefully unsatisfying. There it stayed while she
stroked his cock a few times, granting him a little relief but
nothing like the heavenly shock she’d given him with that single
    “Tell me what you want, Grayson.”
    That steady, controlled movement of her
right hand kept him just out of reach of climax. Her left hand
cupped his ass while she gently worked and stretched his
    “More,” he managed.
    Another finger pressed in, feeling dangerous
and almost painful. But still it barely passed a centimeter inward.
She was waiting, damn her.
    “Deeper,” he rasped.
    She complied, but still - no fireworks. He
shifted his hips, hoping to urge her to that magic spot. She
rewarded him by pulling almost completely out.

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