Tear Me Away (Desert Wraiths MC Romance)

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Book: Tear Me Away (Desert Wraiths MC Romance) by Amy Kiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Kiss
So would anyone looking for us. That was the point, I guessed.
    The sun was more than halfway back toward the desert floor before we finally slowed and pulled into a small town. We rolled past a pair of motels twice. Something seemed wrong, cause we left and drove half a mile to another motel. 
    Ghost helped me off. My legs were utter jelly. Ghost took my bags but even my body was too much to hold up and I stood in his arms for a few moments. His face nuzzled the top of my head, and I felt him taste my odor. A powerful heat rose in me and it had nothing to do with the air outside.
    "Come on," he said. He gave me his shoes and led me away from the motel.
    I didn't bother asking. My brain was exhausted. After a couple minutes walking, it filled me in. We were going back to one of the first motels. Clever. Even his club jacket was off and inverted, covering me instead.
    After an eternity or so, we stumbled into a motel lobby. I watched Ghost pay in cash, then lead us to a room close to the stairs. The door opened and the king bed sang my name. I stumbled forward and dropped face first into the mattress.
    I listened to my heart beat, as Ghost shuffled around me. He seemed nervous. Maybe we were still in danger. I couldn’t see how. Then again, I hadn’t seen any of this coming. Eventually, I felt him climb onto the other side of the bed.
    When my breathing steadied, I pulled up and saw him with his jacket off, propped up on a couple pillows at the other end. He’d been studying my face. His eyes were half shut, like he might sink into sleep.
    “ Everything OK?” I asked. “Your meds.”
    “ I dosed already.”
    “ Oh.” Maybe I’d been out longer than I thought. “They’ll make you tired for a bit.”
    “ I’m not tired." His eyes flared open and I could almost see the energy balled up inside. 
    “ What are you, then?”
    “ A lot of things. Angry, annoyed, excited…curious.”
    “ Curious?”
    “ About you.”
    Just then I noticed that our bodies were separated by just a small bit of the mattress. I propped myself an inch forward.
    “ What do you want to know?”
    His eyes ran down me and he shook his head. “You’re whole.”
    “ Huh?”
    “ How many gunfights have you been in?”
    “ Before today? None.”
    He nodded. “How many murders have you seen?”
    “ Before last Sunday? None.”
    “ And how many times have you come home to find a supersoldier biker drug dealer rattling on your couch?”
    His mouth spread in a smile. A long, mischievous one that revealed the boy underneath all that bad. I felt my mouth match it and laugh. “None, ok?”
    “ So how are you taking it all?”
    I shrugged. What kind of question was that? “Ok, I guess. What are my other options?”
    His eyes sparkled. No chems, that time. Just him. I loved the way they could shift. From a clear sky to a watery turquoise to a deep ocean blue. The army must have modified that for some military purpose, but all I wanted was to pore over them and see how they changed with his temper.
    “ It’s not normal,” he said, finally.
    “ That’s pretty rich, coming from you,” I said. 
    "It's not an insult," he said. "It's shocking, is all."
    "What is?"
    "How that little body has all that hidden strength."
    “ Would you prefer it if I curled into a ball and cried? You want to wrap your arms around me and tell me you’ll take care of me?”
    The words came unbidden from my lips. I heard and realized that was exactly what I wanted him to do.
    “ I don’t want that,” he said. “I want you.”
    A loud silence passed between us. I could have broke n it. Turned away from what was coming
    Why would I?
    He erupted across the bed, and his lips sought mine out. His tongue pushed into my mouth and drank me in hot and heavy. My body was moving under his control, and before I noticed, I was flat on my back and he was over me. His lips mashed hungrily against mine, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. His hand cupped my breasts

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