Tear Me Away (Desert Wraiths MC Romance)

Free Tear Me Away (Desert Wraiths MC Romance) by Amy Kiss

Book: Tear Me Away (Desert Wraiths MC Romance) by Amy Kiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Kiss
seraph. Like Death's more nimble brother.
    His fist landed on Olsen. The biker snapped to the ground like he had never stood in his life.
    Tarly's gun rose, but it never got more than an inch. Ghost moved with inhuman speed, and I saw what exactly he must have been recovering from, shaking in my house. Tarly's arm went flying up, his gun slung far into the sky. Ghost glowered at him, glanced at me, and then devastated the man's temple with an open palm strike. Tarly crumpled on top of his partner. Both breathing, but nothing more.
    Ghost left and it was Bryan who beamed down on me. His face was at ease, features golden under the sun. A thick and rippling arm found my hand, and he yanked me up. "We need to go."
    "Well, hello to you too," I said, heart pounding hard as ever, though for new reasons.
    "Geez, thanks," Sandy said, standing up on her own.
    "Sorry." Bryan said to her, then looked back. "But we have to go. Now."
    "Go where?" Sandy asked for me.
    "Somewhere to hide. They're after her."
    Sandy looked at me wide eyed.
    I started to ask who, but I saw the look in Bryan's eyes. They were narrowed and his forehead looked tense. Not with fear. But worry. His eyes fell past and I heard murmurs over my shoulder. We didn't have security here, but we did have plenty of witnesses.
    "1 minute," I said. "Let me get my bag."
    His hand gripped tight, but I squeezed it back. "I'll be back, I promise."
    I turned and sprinted a few feet, before kicking off my heels into the bushes. Didn't seem like this was the time for those. I sprinted into the hospital. Sandy burst through the doors at my side.
    "Good god, girl. What have you gotten yourself into?" She panted.
    "Honest ly, no idea."
    "Ok, easier question, then. Has that golden god out there gotten into you?"
    "Are you serious?"
    I felt her shrug. "It's a fair question."
    We ran into changing, and I fumbled my locker code twice before I could get to my bag. As I ran for the door, Sandy tossed her bag at me.
    "We're the same size," she said.
    I stopped, watched her look petulant by the locker. She looked like a misbehaving kid, worried about what punishment she was going to get. That worry was for me though. I tossed both bags around her in a hug and tried my hardest not to cry into that soft blonde hair.
    "Be careful," she whispered.
    "I will."
    A small crowd had formed around the fallen bikers when I went back out. Sirens sang through the air ever louder. For a second I panicked that Bryan had run, and left me alone, but then I saw him down the curb, standing his bike back up. He waved to me. I slung the bags over my shoulder and ran up to the bike. My hand reached his and he lifted me on behind.
    "Hold me," he said. Easily done.
    His engine roared to life, but it sounded oddly distant.
    I followed his gaze. It wasn't our engine. A black Harley was coming down the lot at us.
    Our engine rumbled between my legs.
    "Hold on," he said again, and we tore out of the lot.
    A howl rose behind us, and I thought it said 'Ghost." We went even faster, and outran it.
    The lights ahead of us were red, but Ghost sped as we approached. I saw a car coming at our sides and started to scream, but we zipped out of its path by an inch. After that, I kept my eyes shut and just sank into Ghost.
    I listened to that heartbeat I'd dreamed of hearing again, pounding as hard as the engine we rode. Impossibly fast. Biosynthetic adrenaline. He must be on it right now. How would the world look to him, with his senses sped up twice as fast? I worried about that heart, but right now we needed it. We burst out of the row of honking horns and onto a highway. This one ran west. It would loop up slowly towards California, towards LA.
    I looked back as the traffic thinned and we weaved through its spaces. Everything looked clear behind. I didn't see why we were going fast. I tried to tell Ghost we could slow, but he just went faster. I turned around and like a specter, the other cycle had appeared behind us.

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