Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Free Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly

Book: Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Kelly
came with and see
what they’re up to. Thanks for the dance.”
    Surprise of surprises, he grabbed at me
again. I had to wonder what I’d been thinking dancing with him in the first
place. This whole situation was clearly not going to work. “We’re having such a
good time. Do you want a tour of my place?”
    I tried to break free but his hold was
too strong. “No thanks, I’m actually ready to head home.”
    He rolled his eyes and pulled me in
closer, whispering in my ear. “Let me get you a drink, you just got here.”
    I attempted to keep my voice calm.
“Really, I’m leaving now so you need to let me go.” I was trying not to
overreact but I felt trapped. He wasn’t hurting me and I didn’t want to look
like an idiot or a drama queen yelling for help for no reason but he wouldn’t.
Let. Go.
    Then he pushed me against the wall, one
arm wrapped itself around my back, barring me from leaving and that hand
grabbed my arm. His other hand began to slither down my body. “You’re cute when
you’re playing hard to get.”
    I began to struggle in earnest, not
caring if it caused a scene. He couldn’t honestly think he could do this in
public and get away with it. “I’m not playing at anything. Come on. Let me go,
    The groping continued as his other
hand’s grip tightened, becoming painful. “You can’t be serious. You’re having a
good time with me.”
    I attempted to push, kick, and pull at
him but I was immobile, locked in between him and the wall. I was fuming,
furious. I debated using a quick spell. It would hardly take more than a tiny
speck of magic to zap him enough to let me go. It would take less than a second
to do but I knew I couldn’t risk it. I can’t use magic anytime I feel like it.
I had to exhaust every option first.
    “Oh, no. It’s you who can’t be
serious.” a harsh voice called over my shoulder. “Let her go. Now.” this last
part came out as an angry growl and Daniel pushed me away from him but I didn’t
stumble, I held my ground.
    I turned to see Logan, Brandon, and
Trent behind me. I’d never seen them look so…deadly. Smooth Logan, goofy
Brandon, and laid back surfer boy Trent looked capable of anything in that
moment and all three were zeroed in on Daniel with looks of death.
    I tried to distract them. I didn’t want
to fight. I just wanted to leave before magic started flowing out of me
uncontrollably. “Hey guys, thanks for helping me out. You ready to go?” I asked
    Annabella, Mena, Max, Will, and Demi
came over to where we were standing. “What’s going on?” Demi asked and the
crowd of dancers around us began to stare. There was no preventing this, we
were making a scene. People were starting to talk and my friends were trading
looks, summing up the situation.
    I cut everyone off “I’m going to head
out now. If you want a ride, you can join me. Otherwise, goodnight.” I stepped
towards the door and prayed they would follow and not beat Daniel into
oblivion. Not for his sake but for my friends having to deal with it at all.
    Logan turned to Daniel, who stood there
arrogantly like he had no problems in the world. “I’d wipe that damn smirk off
of your face if I were you. You go anywhere near her
again and you’re dead. I don’t care if it’s an accident. I see you in the same
store or walking on the same street and you will be dead before you can run.”
    I watched Daniel start to tremble
slightly but whether it was in fear or anger I couldn’t tell. He did nothing
but turn to head deeper into his apartment. Logan gave a vicious smile.
    I walked out to the parking lot,
embarrassed and at the same time grateful. There’d been no fighting, even
though my friends had been willing to go to bat for me. I saw them all exiting
the apartment behind me. Annabella caught up to me. “Are you ok?” “What
happened?” Her eyes filled with concern.
    “I’m fine, I’m infuriated, obviously
but I’m ok.”
    She placed her arm on

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