Muted Judgement (Legal thriller, thriller)

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Book: Muted Judgement (Legal thriller, thriller) by G. E. Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. E. Mason
    Brad rose first, but indicated she should head into the courtroom before him. "Good luck."
    "I don't think I need it," she said with a cockiness she wasn't feeling.
    Ethan Grogan entered the courtroom with a presence Lauren remembered well from their dating days. Even if the bailiff had not said his usual, "All rise," everyone probably would have. Ethan could part crowds when he walked down the street.
    She expected a spotlight to appear out of nowhere and a choir to begin singing.
    He'd been appointed by a conservative governor despite being a liberal. Lauren was sure there was a story behind that.
    "Be seated," Ethan said.
    His gaze took in the crowd, stopping briefly on Lauren. She hoped her face remained aloof despite her nervousness. She saw a quick twinkle in his eyes as recognition dawned on him. Not wanting to be first to blink, she returned his stare with an impassive smile.
    Ethan finally l ooked at Brad, then at the jury that inspired a lot of confidence in Lauren. She'd fought hard for most of the jurors. She hoped they wouldn't let her down.
    "The court shall come to order. Do we have the accused?"
    The bailiff escorted a young girl into the courtroom. Wearing a conservative suit, she looked as if she were playing dress up instead of here to face a murder charge.
    Lauren looked down at her file. According to her notes, Claire Smith had her eighteenth birthday six months before this trial. Today, she'd put her blonde hair up in a ponytail which showed her round face that still held some baby fat. Lauren would have pegged her age at fifteen.
    This girl was only eight years older than Lauren's daughter. Part of her heart went out to the young girl accused of murder.
    Claire stood next to Brad who patted her on the shoulder, while whispering in her ear. The young girl turned her big blue eyes toward Lauren. A tear slipped out and slid down the Claire's face.
    The small audience murmured. The press in attendance scribbled notes. Lauren was glad the judge disallowed cameras during the trial. He also had forbidden anyone to tweet during the proceedings.
    Lauren steeled herself for what would be a high profile case. 
    "Would the defendant like to enter a plea?" Ethan said.
    "Your honor, my client pleads not guilty by reason of self-defense."
    A few gasps came from the audience. Ethan remained stoic while the jurors glanced at each other.
    Lauren remained silent having known the plea beforehand.
    Ethan looked at the jury. "The defendant pleads not guilty." His gaze went back to the defendant then to Lauren. "Are we ready for opening arguments?"
    Lauren nodded as she saw Brad do the same movement in her peripheral vision.
    "We'll begin, then." He turned back to the jurors. "You are charged with listening to all the facts of the case and decide if Claire Smith is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
    All the jurors nodded.
    "We'll begin with the Prosecutor's opening arguments."
    Lauren took a deep breath, letting it loose slowly. Everyone was seated as she stood. She brushed her brown hair behind her ear and began.
    All eyes turned to her. This part of the trial always reminded her of a performance. She wasn't averse to being in the spotlight, but she didn't crave it the way Ethan and Brad did. She also figured Brad would put on quite a show.
    All she really wanted to do was come across as credible. Hopefully the jurors would not be swayed by Brad's smoke and mirrors.
    Most importantly, she didn't want her doubts about the case to shine through.
    Lauren sauntered over to the jury box, feeling all twelve sets of eyes on her. You've done this a thousand times in the last five years. This one isn't any different. Despite the internal pep talk, her palms itched while her heart almost beat out of her chest.
    "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury," she began. The room quieted down. "Before you, you see Claire Smith, accused of brutally murdering John Sheffield. The state will prove that she, with malice aforethought,

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