Piecing Together Sydney (A Sydney West Novel Book 3)

Free Piecing Together Sydney (A Sydney West Novel Book 3) by Brittney Coon

Book: Piecing Together Sydney (A Sydney West Novel Book 3) by Brittney Coon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittney Coon
have one, I want to help.”
    I nodded. “Noted. I’ll tell Amelia when she comes home.”
    “How was dress hunting? Sorry we couldn’t tag along.” Ellie gave me a small smile.
    “No worries, you were busy. It was good. My mom came over to help. I have pictures if you want to see it.”
    “Yes!” Ellie and Kylie said at the same time.
    I laughed. “Okay, I’ll get my phone. It’s in the living room.”
    They clapped as I parted from the table. Jason looked down at his napkin. “Wish I could see it too…”
    His mom tsked. “You’ll see her on the wedding day and not a second before. It’s bad luck.”
    I exited the kitchen and dug in the couch for my cell phone. I found it and a quarter. When I turned to go back to the table, I saw a car drive by the house slowly and then disappear. That was strange. Maybe they were looking at addresses on the houses and were lost. I let it go and went back to my little family.
    “Okay, my mom had my phone and took a ton of photos. I also have some pictures of the cake and flowers. The theme is black and white,” I said, sitting back into my chair and scrolling through my gallery looking for the right pictures.
    “Here.” I handed my phone over to Kylie. Ellie and she oohed and ahhed over my photos as they scrolled through them.
    Jason shoved what was left of his roll in his mouth. “You girls are killing me.”
    I giggled, slapping his leg. “Baby, it’s worth the wait. I promise.”
    His silver eyes burned into my flesh. “It’s not solid black, is it?”
    A smile stole my lips. “God, you, my mom, and Amelia are all against a black dress. I think they are badass. No, it’s not solid black.” I ran the back of my hand down his cheek. “No more clues for you.”
    “I can’t wait!” Kylie squealed. “I’m going to love taking these pictures.”
    “Thanks.” I took my phone back and sat it face down by my plate.
    “What are you going to serve for dinner?” Ellie asked.
    Jason and I answered, “Chicken and steak.”
    Our conversation continued about the wedding until the doorbell rang. Jason and I shared a confused look as he got up. A few moments later, the door opened and a voice filled the air; then there was dead silence. I feared Jason got stabbed and the killer took off, so I got up to check things out.
    An older man about the same size as Jason stood before him. They just stared at each other. It was as if they were in the Wild West and about to draw on one another.
    Kylie got up and peeked around the corner with me. “Oh my God!” She ran to the mystery man. “Dad!”
    Dad? Oh shit.

Chapter Nine
    Kylie screamed again and raced into her father’s arms like he was gone for a long business trip that lasted a few days and didn’t walk out on his family over a decade ago.
    “Hey, kitten! Look how you grew up!” He picked Kylie up and spun her in a circle.
    I stood in the kitchen’s archway stunned, unsure what to do. To my left, Ellie stood with her mouth agape. Jason had taken a step back for Kylie and glared at the man like he was Satan.
    How did he find my beach house and know not only his son would be here, but his daughter and ex-wife too?
    “How have you—”
    Jason pulled Kylie away and pushed his father back out the front door. “What the fuck are you doing here? You can’t just show up and think we’ll take you back.”
    I didn’t know I rushed forward until Kylie threw herself on me, sobbing. “Don’t yell at him, Jason!” she screamed through her tears.
    “Why don’t you go over to your mom? I’ll take care of Jason.” I nudged Kylie to the kitchen.
    Ellie was still standing in the doorway motionless.
    Kylie muttered something and ran to her mother like a little girl who fell off her bike and needed her cut knee kissed and bandaged.
    “Son, please let me explain—”
    Jason shoved his pointer finger into his father’s chest. “I’m not your son! I don’t know who you are or how you found Sydney’s house. Just

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