Chantilly’s Cowboy

Free Chantilly’s Cowboy by Debra Kayn

Book: Chantilly’s Cowboy by Debra Kayn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Kayn
her…Chantilly, I mean.” Taking off his hat, he ran his hand through his hair and whistled. “That’s amazing.”
    “Sure do.” Florentine stepped over and thrust her hand out. “Nice to meet you, Jack.”
    “Jack’s the new foreman at the ranch.” Stuart clapped him on the shoulder.
    Florentine’s eyes narrowed and she swung her gaze to her father. “What?”
    “Watch yourself, Florentine Lace.” Stuart tilted his head. “Don’t be—”
    Florentine shoved her shoulder into Jack’s side, pushed her way past him and exited through the crowd before fast disappearing inside of the bar. Jack blew out his breath. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen that reaction to his new position before.
    “Come on, Jack.” Stuart stepped toward the door. “We might as well go in and find my daughters before they’ve torn apart the bar and pissed Val off too.”
    “Sir, don’t you think it would be better if you told ’em exactly why you hired me on?” Jack cleared his throat. “It might stop a lot of the anger your daughters seem to have over your decision.”
    “Anger?” Stuart snorted and threw his arm around Jack’s shoulders. “Hell, you haven’t seen nothing yet, son.”

Chapter Ten
    Choosing one of the empty picnic tables at the back of the lot, Chantilly set down a plate heaped with potato salad and a few buttered rolls for her and Jack to split between them. She licked the tip of her finger and sat down on the wooden bench. She probably should have served up two plates of food in case her dad wanted to sit with them too.
    Why isn’t dad here yet? She glanced around the area, but with so many people lingering around and talking to their friends and family members, it was impossible to see if he’d finally shown up or not.
    Her gaze swung a few feet to the left and centered on Florentine. Chantilly jumped up from her seat and zigzagged through the crowd.
    The two identical women met in the middle of the grounds and grabbed each other in a hug, rocking back and forth. Her screams mixed with Florentine’s cussing.
    “What in the world are you doing here?” Chantilly leaned back and ran her hands down Florentine’s face. “I didn’t think you were coming home until next month.” She jumped on her toes. “Oh, sis, I’ve missed you something awful, and I’ve got so much to tell you—”
    “Hang on. Why are you so happy?” Florentine’s nose wrinkled. “Don’t tell me Dad has convinced you that the son of a bitch is only a working hand. He’s here to take your job, sis.” She shook her head. “Doncha be worrying. I’m gonna get the girls together and we’ll get rid of him. I swear, I leave for six months and all hell breaks loose around here.”
    “Oh God, I’ve missed you.” Chantilly hugged Florentine again and then pulled her over to the picnic table. “You’ve met Jack, then?”
    “Yeah, he might think he’s got it good now that he’s working at the ranch, but he won’t be laughing when his ass is skidding down the county road when I get done with him.” Florentine crossed her arms. “Daddy can’t do this to you, Tilly. I won’t let ’im.”
    Chantilly rubbed her sister’s arms. “It’s okay. I was madder than a wet hen at first too, but…well, Jack and I are together. I’ve fallen in love with him.”
    Florentine’s arms fell to her sides. “Get outta here. You?” She turned and kept her back to Chantilly.
    “Hey!” She grabbed her sister’s sleeve and pulled her back around. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    Florentine’s mouth opened and laughter burst out. “You!” She clapped her hands. “The one we had to protect at every party after you took your first sip of beer, and the one who swore she was gonna tease every man in town because she wasn’t willing to let any man take her away from Daddy’s beloved ranch.”
    “Oh shuttup.” She grabbed Florentine again and gave her another hug. “God, I’ve missed you

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