Chantilly’s Cowboy

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Book: Chantilly’s Cowboy by Debra Kayn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Kayn
and your smart mouth. How didja wrangle your way home early and how long are you stayin’?”
    “I can’t believe you’d think I’d miss the family’s Fourth of July party.” Florentine kissed Chantilly’s cheek. “I’m staying four days and that should give me enough time to find out what is going on around here, check out your new man and pester Dad enough he sends me packing.”
    Chantilly shifted, smiled past Florentine’s shoulder and motioned Jack over. She leaned toward Florentine. “Be nice.”
    “Always, sister dear.” Florentine stepped back and stood shoulder to shoulder with her. “I must say, I’m surprised you took time from the ranch chores to fool around.”
    “I know. Meeting Jack…it’s been a dream come true. I get to continue helping Daddy run the ranch, and Jack fits right in. We’ve got so much done. There will be no rush getting ready for winter. He moves the cattle faster than any of us, and Jack has already—”
    “Stop!” Florentine laughed. “Chantilly, I know how much you can talk when you’re excited, and I don’t know ’bout you, but I’m hungry. Let’s eat. You can tell me all ’bout Jack when I have something in my stomach.”
    Jack strolled through the crowd, making eye contact with Chantilly. Her smile grew and she bit down on her lip to hide how excited she was to celebrate today with him here. Not able to stand and wait for the crowd to let him through, she grabbed Florentine’s hand and went to meet Jack in the middle of the lot.
    “Jack…” She brushed into Mr. Shipler and sent him a look of apology before waving at Jack. She reached out and motioned him over. “Jack, my sister’s here.” Pulling Florentine’s arm, she turned and nodded. “This is Florentine. She’s my twin.”
    “No kidding.” Jack lifted the corner of his mouth. “Your dad let me know as I was aiming to kick a man’s ass for holding you as if you were an ice cream cone and he was having a craving.”
    “That’d be George.” Florentine stepped behind Jack, cast her gaze down the back of his body and whistled. “George is harmless, but you….shit on a shamrock, Chantilly. What all have I missed while I’ve been gone?”
    Chantilly pulled Jack over beside her. “She’s usually not this rude, Jack.”
    “Yeah, I am. He’ll get used to me, though. Just don’t come sniffing around me trying to pull off the ol’ it’s-an-honest-mistake-I-thought-you-were-Chantilly trick and we’ll get along tighter than two ticks on a dog.” Florentine narrowed her eyes.
    “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” He turned back to Chantilly. “I’ll just keep Chantilly close by while you’re here.”
    “Where’re we supposed to sit at this shindig?” Stuart came up behind his daughters and threw his arms around their shoulders. “A man would starve standing around jawing all day.”
    “Come on, I’ve grabbed us a table over in the back.” Chantilly led the way but glanced behind her every couple of steps and smiled at her family. “I wish Bisette could have come home too. She’s busy rehearsing for that big concert coming up next week in Boston, though. But Margot’s bringing Momma’s lemon pie. It’ll be just like ol’ times, except better.” She gazed at Jack.
    “Yep, it does a man proud to have all his chicks back in the nest.” Stuart sat down at the table, removed his handkerchief and mopped his forehead. “Damn this heat…”
    Chantilly pushed the plate toward Jack. “What happened to the ribs?”
    Jack fiddled with his hat before removing it and laying it on the bench beside him. “Shoot, I—”
    “I swear you’d all starve if it wasn’t for me.” Margot approached the table and slid a platter of meat dripping with hot barbecue sauce in front of them. “Val handed me the food. She had a feeling with Florentine arriving you’d forget all ’bout eating.” She hurried over and gathered her sister in her arms. “I’ve missed you so much. Didja

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