Choosing Happy (Madison Square #2)

Free Choosing Happy (Madison Square #2) by Samatha Harris

Book: Choosing Happy (Madison Square #2) by Samatha Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samatha Harris
Something wild, something my mother would hate. Consequences be damned, I picked up my phone and dialed someone I knew could help me loosen up. I’d spent my life worrying about the consequences, and where did it get me?
    It rang twice before he finally picked up.
    “Hey there, beautiful.”
    “Pick me up Tuesday at seven,” I said.
    “Umm, okay. Everything all right?” Sean asked.
    “Fine, just don’t be late.”
    “You got it. See you then.”
    I hung up and dropped back on the bed. Live at home until she could find me a suitable husband? She’d thought Michael was a suitable husband, and he was nothing but a selfish bastard. Seems to me that what I needed was a little unsuitable.
    By Tuesday morning, I was in a panic. What was I doing agreeing to go out with Sean? He’s Liam’s age. What could we possibly have in common?
    When I called him I was still reeling from my mother’s demand for me to come home. I wasn’t thinking clearly, but backing out now seemed kind of cruel. I mean, dinner wouldn’t kill me, right? Sean was sweet, he was funny, and that smile had the power to bring me to my knees. I could do this. It was no big deal, just a date. A harmless, no strings attached dinner with a gorgeous man who was little more than half my age.
    Oh my god, who was I kidding? I couldn’t go out with him. It’s been almost twenty years since I’ve been out on a date. What do I do? What do I say? What do I wear?
    I had talked myself into and out of going at least fifty times by the time Margot sauntered into my office for lunch. As per usual, she took one look at me and knew something was wrong.
    “Now what?” she asked. Margot dropped her bag on the table in front of me, a hand on her hip and a no nonsense look on her face.
    “I said yes, and now I am freaking out!”
    “You said yes to what?” she asked.
    “To Sean. I said yes to a date with Sean.”
    She took a deep breath then turned quickly and sauntered her way to the door. “Jeremy, get in here,” she called and glanced back at me as I slumped over the table. “She’s gonna need both of us for this one.”
    I told them everything, starting with my mother’s insanity and ending with the phone call to Sean. By the time I finished, I was exhausted. They both just sat across from me, wide eyed. After taking in the whole story, they both sat up and shouted, “It’s about damn time,” in unison. They turned and looked at each other with a smirk then faced me again.
    “You have to go,” Margot said like it was obvious.
    “I know,” I sighed. “It’s just…I haven’t been out with anyone other than Michael since college, and I’m pretty sure my skills with a crimper will not help me prepare for this date.”
    “What’s a crimper?” Jeremy said, scrunching his nose in distaste.
    “Just kill me now,” I said, dropping my head in my hands.
    “Ignore him,” Margot said, waving a dismissive hand at Jeremy. She leaned toward me, her hands clasped together with her elbows propped up on her knees. “You’re thinking too much, as usual. This is not the start of a relationship. You don’t want a relationship right now, and neither does he.”
    “I don’t?”
    Jeremy laughed. “God no! You fuck the rebound. You don’t date him.”
    I raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t used to Jeremy being so colorful around me. I’m still his boss.
    “Exactly,” Margot agreed. “Tonight’s about fun, that’s it. Normal dating rules do not apply. You don’t have to impress him. The pressure’s off. You already know he likes you. He’s made that much pretty clear. Now all that’s left to do is make your intentions clear.”
    “My intentions?”
    “Yes,” Jeremy said, nodding his head in agreement. “Honesty is crucial when it comes to a casual relationship. If you don’t let him know up front that you’re only interested in sex, then he’ll get all heartbroken and clingy when it ends. Make it clear, just sex.”
    “How do I know

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