Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3)

Free Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3) by Shannon Dermott

Book: Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3) by Shannon Dermott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Dermott
Tags: Juvenile Fiction
only thing I could do, I cleaned, scrubbing the floor with a sponge that was painted in blood with the first swipe. The bleached water did nothing at first to kill the stains. I continued to wipe away at the blood that marked the beginning of an ugly war of humans against demons.
    Luke was back first. “There’s nobody,” he said. “I didn’t see a car.  I’m sure she wasn’t alone. They probably figured out what happened.”
    That gave me a bit of relief for a second.  “Will they call the cops?” I asked.
    “Maybe,” he said.
    Flynn walked in. The stain on his bandages was getting worse. Luke looked concerned. “Dream walking not working?” Luke asked, reminding me that Incubi could travel in the wild dreams of mortals and gain life force that way.
    He shook his head. “If I don’t get laid soon, I’m going to go insane.”
     “You’re dad’s got the body?” Luke asked. Flynn nodded. “Well, let’s go then.”
    “Let’s go,” I repeated, stunned.
    The two boys turned eyes on me after they knocked fist. I was happy they were behaving like best friends again, but I wasn’t okay with what I thought they were about to do.
    “Mercy,” Luke said.
    “No Mercy, me,” I said. “How are you going to go help him get laid? Are you going to help him pick up some unsuspecting girl, Mr. Wingman?” I was beyond angry and not just about Flynn and his needs. A girl died and everyone was acting like it hadn’t happened.
    “Something like that,” Luke said, dryly.
    Opening my mouth so that the flies of hell could come in, I spit out, “And what if the girl has a friend?”
    Luke looked at Flynn. Flynn raised his shoulder and headed for the stairs with more pep in his step than I’d seen in a while.  Luke stepped over to me and grabbed my wrist. “There isn’t anybody but you for me. I’m not going because I want to. I’m going because he needs it and I can’t heal him. The way he is right now, he shouldn’t be alone.” I heard the anguish in his voice. And again for the millionth time in one day, I felt the press of all my bad decisions.
    All my insecurities came crashing down. It was absurd, yes, but I just witnessed a girl’s death. I saw how much it had cost Flynn to save my life as his wound continued to bleed. I felt Luke’s fear about the damnation I’d caused him. My emotional level was at a critical level. “And what if you meet some girl better than me?” I asked illogically.
    “Mercy, there is only you. I haven’t touched a girl in months other than you. I’m a fucking monk for you,” he said, his tone edging to the sinister side of him that was showing itself more and more.
    But today wasn’t the day. And I was hanging by a thread myself. “It’s not like I haven’t tried to have sex with you but you keep pushing me away,” I spoke, much louder than I’d intended.
    “You aren’t ready,” he replied, his face red from anger.
    Hindsight is clear as crystal, and I wished I could eat my next words. “I’m tired of being a virgin and if you aren’t up to the task, I’ll find someone else for the job.”
    Silence.  But it wasn’t there for the reasons one might think.  No, we had an audience.  My mom stood livid with her mouth compressed in a thin line. Next to her, a stupefied David just gawked at us after coming to a full stop. Flynn looked as smug as ever halfway down the steps. Luke’s expression held horror, hurt, and humiliation. He gave me one final glance before leaving out the front door. Flynn followed while David watched.  I’m pretty sure he just thought Flynn was going to talk to Luke. But if any of them had truly paid attention, they would have noticed Flynn was dressed to kill.
    “You, young lady,” my mom pointed, “were already grounded. And now you are more grounded. You will not be going out with Luke and he will not be spending his nights in bed with you.”
    “You are such a hypocrite. We’re succubi, not saints,” I said. Then I used

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