Revenant (The Midnight Society #3)

Free Revenant (The Midnight Society #3) by Logan Patricks

Book: Revenant (The Midnight Society #3) by Logan Patricks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Logan Patricks
    Now that he was fully clothed in his old faded jeans and leather motorcycle vest, we could begin talking business.
    “I hear you’re good at extraction,” I said.
    “The best,” Braydon replied without blinking. “There’s no one that I can’t break out.”
    “That’s what Beau said. However, I’m a little skeptical of taking his words at face value.”
    “I don’t blame you. Beau is a sneaky little shit.”
    “He saved your life, didn’t he?”
    Braydon took a deep drag of his cigarette. “That he did,” he finally said. “I guess in the end, you can always rely on family.”
    I couldn’t.
    “Funny, back in the brothel, I was convinced you were going to murder him,” I pointed out.
    He shrugged. “We were just roughhousing, that’s all.”
    “I think you broke his ribs.”
    “He’s a big boy. Broken ribs are a superficial wound anyways. They’re quick to heal.”
    He had a point there. “Has Beau given you an idea of what needs to be done?”
    Braydon nodded as he dropped the cigarette to the ground and put it out with the tip of his steel-toed boot. “I heard bits and pieces of it. It doesn’t sound easy. At the site of extraction there’ll be maximum security and armed guards. With the location being at an airport as well, there’s going to be additional airspace monitoring.”
    “Is the extraction situated at the airport going to pose a huge problem?” I asked.
    “I could come in with a chopper firing bullets at 625 rpm from a turret for distraction. We get one of your guys to bungee down there and pull your man out via parachord. We then fly off into the sunset.”
    “It doesn’t sound very stealth to me.”
    Braydon laughed. “Look at me. I’m a seven foot goliath who drives a Harley. The only way I know how to do things is loud.”
    “My sister is temperamental. At the first sign of trouble who knows what she’ll do? My guess is she’ll execute our man right away, just because she can.”
    Braydon rubbed his chin. “Stealth it is then. Can you get me a layout of the airport?”
    “My source tells me it’ll be at a military site, so finding a detailed layout might be difficult. They don’t keep any electronic files, only physical ones up at the Pentagon.”
    “I guess we’re going in blind then.”
    I grinned.
    “What?” he asked.
    “I got a few tricks up my sleeve as well. I’ve got someone working to knock out the grid supplying the airbase.”
    “That’ll certainly help with stealth.”
    “It will,” I agreed.
    Braydon ran his hands through his thick, black hair and then rose from the bench. “Well Shadow, I guess I’ll sign myself up for this little suicide mission of yours. It sounds like it’ll be too much fun to miss out on. Did Beau give you details of my account, and where to transfer the money?”
    “Yes. You get half now,” I said.
    “That was the agreement,” Braydon confirmed. “Meanwhile, get me the name of that military airbase. I’ll do some recon on my own time as well as survey the layout of the land. I’ll give you the details of the plan the night before extraction day.”
    “That’s tomorrow,” I pointed out.
    Braydon smiled, as if taking enjoyment out of this entire thing. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
    “Is one day enough time for you to recon?”
    Braydon walked over to his bike and put his helmet on. “We’ll have to see, won’t we? If we end up lying in a ditch by the side of the road, chances are I probably needed more time.”


     Chapter Nine

    “Kumquat,” I said.
    “What about it?” Reiko asked. Her eyes were glued to the intricate network of computer screens in front of us.”
    I took a seat in front of my own set of screens which served as the visual interface of our mini control centre. “During lunch, we were talking about things that annoyed us. I didn’t say anything then but kumquat annoys me.”
    “The fruit?” she

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