Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order

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Book: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order by Anthony Santora Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Santora
she lost her composure and started laughing. Nathan opened the lid of the chest, secured the picture, and then carried the chest to his truck. Nathan left, he left his home, he left his career and worst of all… he left Kayla.
    Nathan was always known as the strong one. Strong for his brother and sister, strong for the little girls whose killer he chased, strong for Kayla. Everyone needs someone to help them, to give them strength; Nathan now called on his source of strength for the last 20 years.
    As always Anthony answered the call. “Jackson.”
    “Ant, it’s me.” Anthony noticed the somber tone in which his friend was speaking. “Kayla’s not with you.” Nathan confirmed. “No she went to her family.” Nathan wanted to turn around and go to Kayla’s parents, he wanted so badly to just take her run and hide but he knew where he needed to be and what he needed to do. He tried to change the subject before he turned around. “So have you seen the e-mail yet?”
    Anthony answered. “Yes…and I’m going to the meeting tonight.”
    “I figured as much.” Nathan said with a chuckle knowing his friend all too well.
    Anthony tried to explain his reasoning. “Nate, I agree this looks bad but…”
    Nathan jumped in. “But you have to be sure. I understand, just promise me you won’t register.”
    Anthony calmed his friend. “Give me some credit man. Look I’m just going to see what they have to say. If it sounds bad then I’m right behind you.”
    Nathan had researched enough to get a relative idea of what was going to take place.
    “They’re not going to tell you much; just that it’s imperative to secure borders, interstates etcetera, probably organize specific assaults on people they think might pose a threat.”
    Anthony sighed. “Well if your right, and I really hope you’re not, then I’ll be AWOL and in route.”
    Nathan was still thinking of preparing as much as possible. “Ant, when you come bring as much ammo as you can. I don’t know when we’ll get a chance to restock. The weapons and ammunition depots will be their first stop I can guarantee that.” Anthony asked. “When do you expect to get there?” Nathan inadvertently looked at the time on his radio as he answered. “We’ll be there by tomorrow night. Do you still have the land deeds?”
    “Yea” Anthony was doing a much better job at not looking paranoid as he passed a fellow Marshal than Nathan was earlier.
    “Burn them now; I don’t want any chance of them finding us.”
    Anthony agreed. “I’ll do that as soon as I stop by the house. You just drive safe.” Nathan responded. “You just find out what you need to and get your butt down here.”
    “Alright brother, if I’m more than a day behind you that means you were wrong and you better come up with a good excuse.” Nathan replied with the finality of death. “I’m not wrong.”
    After a moment of pause Anthony closed the conversation. “I’ll see you soon.”
                       *    *     *
    Deshad had assassinated many, some with firearms, some with blades but with most of his prey Deshad liked to use his hands. Using his hands always brought Deshad the most pleasure. His logic was that it was almost honorable, his skill versus theirs. He ignored the fact that most never knew they were dead until they heard Deshad whisper in their ears as they fell into never ending darkness.
    So it was now that Deshad stood in the hallway outside of Volkov's bedroom. Deshad pondered whether to come through the window silently or not, but the thought of his twin daggers slicing through the necks of the fodder set to guard the door was too good a temptation to refuse. It was a dark hallway with high walls. There were two guards, one posted on either side of the bedroom door, which was about 100 feet away. In a split second the assassin’s options flashed through his mind. Pull the silenced pistol from under his left arm aim and fire, or try to

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