Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order

Free Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order by Anthony Santora

Book: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order by Anthony Santora Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Santora
eyes as she listened to Nathan. Nathan stood up and walked to look out the window, what he was really looking for was a way to continue. He dug within himself for the resolve as he turned and spoke. “That time is now. A federal state of emergency is going to be issued in three days, everyone is going to be required to register and then they are going to be sent to military control camps…. We have to leave.”
    Kayla was overwhelmed by what Nathan was saying; being told that the world as she knew it was about to end would put strain on anyone. She was trying to process all that Nathan had told her. She naturally voiced her disbelief. “No! How do you know this? Are you sure? What? What about the…”
    Nathan moved to calm her but she pulled away. Nathan called to her. “Kayla, baby listen. I have prepared for this, but we need to leave now.”
    Nathan moved to Kayla and gently moved her into his arms. He softly spoke to her.
    “Baby, this is just a difficult beginning to a perfect ending, the perfect ending but we have to fight for it.” After a moment Kayla calmed some and then a thought crossed her mind. “Nathan, what about my family, mom, dad… my brothers and sister?”
    Nathan breathed a heavy sigh. Kayla’s parents lived in Philadelphia now while a couple of her siblings remained in Virginia, but there was no time. “Baby, I want everyone we know to be safe but nobody is going to believe that this is happening until it happens… Darion and Anthony already know, but I know even my parent’s won’t listen. We can warn them as best we can and I promise we’ll come back for them but now we have to leave.”
    Kayla thought to herself. She loved Nathan immensely, but what if he was wrong…even worse what if he was right and her family was in danger.
    Nathan continued. “I have a safe place where we can sort things out but we need to leave soon. Everything is already in motion there will be total lockdown within three days. They sent out a call on all federal agents, if I’m right that means they’re going to start kidnapping everyone they think is a threat. Their probably going to secure the state borders too…I stopped by the guard supply post and they appeared to be on high alert. We could have as little as 24hours and it’s a long drive…Baby we need to go.”
    Kayla stuttered as she spoke. “Who’s behind all of this, who is doing this, why? Nathan held her tightly. “I can’t explain now but I will soon.”
    Kayla turned from Nathan; she was faced with the hardest decision of her life. Go with Nathan and her family might get captured, go and try to convince them and she might never see Nathan again. She cried. Nathan came up behind her, put his arms over her shoulders and around her chest, then kissed the back of her head as he fought to hold back his own tears.
    Kayla spoke through short sobs. “I can’t go…I have to try and help my family... I’m sorry.”
    As she cried Nathan turned her around, put her head to his chest and held her close. After a long difficult moment trying to hold back the tears rimming in his blue eyes Nathan spoke. “I’ve never lied to you.” Kayla looked up to him as he continued. “I swear, I promise I will be back for you. Go and warn your family, just know that as soon as I can I’ll be back for you. But I need you to promise me that you won’t register, do not listen to anything the government says anymore we can’t trust them. After we’ve set up, and the truth is known I will be back.”
    Nathan gently put his hands to Kayla’s face, moved close till their foreheads touched and whispered. “Do you hear me baby, I will come back for you.”
    After a moment Kayla forced as much of a smile as she could through her tears. “I love you Papi.”
    Nathan held Kayla close for a long time; he wanted to feel her embrace for as long as he could not knowing when he would feel it again.
    “Go; tell your family then run and hide, for as long as you can. No

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