
Free Hart by Jayme L Townsend

Book: Hart by Jayme L Townsend Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayme L Townsend
kitchen and find my phone
    “Hello Cam speaking”
    “Hi Cam it’s Tom”
    “Oh hi Tom”
    “I have got you a quote, it’s a bit complicated and I have a few ideas, would it be ok to pop over and talk over some things with you?”
    “Um yeah sure” I give him my address
    “Ok see you in about ten minutes”
    “Ok ten minutes, bye Tom”
    I turn and Grey is stood there, without saying anything he walks past me and out the door. I stand there wondering what the hell is wrong with him. I then realise I’m still in my bikini, I quickly change into jeans and a T shirt just in time as the doorbell rings.
    “Hi Tom, come in” ok so once he is clean and dressed in jeans he looks even better “would you like a drink?”
    “Hi Cam, just a glass of water would be great thank you”
    He follows me to the kitchen and I make a coffee and grab a water from the fridge and pour it into a tall glass, I remember my dinner and quickly turn the oven off. I take the drinks out to the patio and we sit with the plans on the table, after a long discussion we add some new ideas and take others away, I grab a bottle of wine and two glasses then Tom starts telling me about Latton, he knows Will, we talk about us at school and Will leaving and not coming back. Before I know it we’ve finished off the wine, I go to stand and start to feel a bit wobbly, Tom grabs my arm and tries to move in for a kiss so I try my best to push him back
    “NO TOM” I shout
    Before I realise what’s happening Tom is being dragged away, I see Grey push him to the kitchen, I hear raised voices, then it all goes quiet, the front door slams and I slowly walk to the kitchen and peer through the door
    “What the fuck Cam, do you even know him?”
    “Yeah that was Tom, the builder”
    “What I wasn’t good enough for you on Friday?”
    “Oh yes you were, very”
    “Why then? Why invite another man here? Why not invite me?”
    “I didn’t realise you were a builder”
    “Don’t be smart with me”
    “I wasn’t” I say leaning on the counter, if I stare hard enough I can see two of him, wow
    “Why are you drunk?”
    “I had some wine and didn’t have dinner”
    “Do you have a problem with drink?”
    “Nope no problem, none at all”
    “It sure looks like it, is this because of your fiancé?”
    “No, how dare you bring him into this”
    “I have seen the photo in your bedroom”
    “Well you should not have looked should you?”
    “Does he know you are like this?” he says waving his hand up and down my body
    “Like what exactly?”
    “Sleeping with any man that looks your way”
    “GET OUT!”
    “No, answer the question”
    “He doesn’t know because of two things”
    “And they are?”
    “One he died two years ago and the only people I have had sex with in my life was him and you, now get out”
    “Shit Cam, I’m sorry”
    “Get out!!”
    “Will you be ok, let me make you a coffee and some food?”
    “Fuck off Grey before I call someone to remove you from my house”

Chapter 14
    Ok so I really misread the situation, I thought she was sleeping around and cheating, I didn’t mind so much when it was just me but when that Tom arrived, I was going crazy.
    Should I leave or try and sort this out, I walk to the kettle and switch it on, then I go to the fridge to see what I can make her, she has eggs that’s ok I think I can manage scrambled egg, I crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk, I add some milk and a bit of butter some salt and pepper then chuck it in the saucepan and start stirring.
    “You know you have a very nice ass” she says
    “Thank you and so do you” I smile
    “And I love your back”
    “Thank you”
    “Actually there are a lot of things that are sexy about you, do you know that?”
    “Thank you and you” I think I like her drunk, she talks more
    “Cam this thing with us…”
    “What thing Grey, you mean the sex we had the other night?”
    “What you want to do it

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