After Ariel: It started as a game

Free After Ariel: It started as a game by Diana Hockley

Book: After Ariel: It started as a game by Diana Hockley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Hockley
‘Come and have morning tea,’ Ros urged. As always, the lovely sitting room enveloped me in the warmth and comfort of its ochre walls, the fire blazing in the hearth and the comfortable furniture. I was happy to see that Rosalind’s music was set above the keys of the grand piano. At least she was well enough to play...
    As Fudge leapt into Rosalind’s lap, I sensed rather than saw her cringe. He butted his huge marmalade self into her chin; she wrapped her arms around his portly body. I settled myself into the couch beside her and reached out to stroke him. There was no point in beating around the bush. ‘You’re looking tired, Ros. Are you not feeling well?’
    She lifted her face and I saw tears welling in her eyes. ‘Susan, I’ve got cancer.’
    ‘Oh no, where?’
    ‘Inside my left cheek. We only found it two days ago, and they want me in the Royal Brisbane on Monday morning. I had the pre-op checks when I had the MRI.’ She smiled weakly. ‘I’m trying to be positive, Susan, but it’s scary. A sort of ulcer actually, but very small.’
    Cold spread through my body. A sort of ulcer? I knew my fear mustn’t show; Rosalind had enough for all of us. ‘How is John coping with the news?’
    ‘He’s bereft, but he’s being so strong. What did I do to deserve him?’ The cat settled into her lap, leaving her hands free for tissues and eye wiping. ‘You know, it’s ironic. Here I am, all these years without anyone decent in my life –’I know she’s thinking of Tommy Esposito, a criminal who conned his way into her life and who is now in gaol.
    I finished for her. ‘– and now you’ve finally found your soul-mate and this happens.’
    Ros nodded, sniffing.
     Just then, John arrived with a tray of cups and pots, so we cleared the coffee table and settled in for a cuppa. He adjusted the cushions behind his wife’s back, every move showing his devotion. His face revealed the stress he was under, but as a retired senior constable, I knew he would never allow her to know the extent of his concern.
    ‘So what can I do to help?’ I asked, after I had taken a sip of tea, wincing because John always makes sure the water is boiling.
    ‘I wondered if you would keep an eye out for Pam? She’s coming down tomorrow. I know she’s going to be horrified at just how big this operation is going to be as soon as she lays eyes on me. All the tubes and things. She’ll get all worried and she still has to get through her major concert tonight.’
    ‘That’s at the Concert Hall in Brisbane?’
    ‘Yes.’ John passed me the program.
    ‘Yes, that’s it. She has to finish her tour no matter what, and do the UK concerts as well!’ Rosalind folded her lips in a thin line. No matter what ...that meant even if she didn’t come out of the operation... I put my hand on her ‘sparrow-leg’ thin fingers, aware that Ros’ cancer may well be further advanced than she was letting on.  I caught John’s eye and we shared a terrible moment. ‘Do you want to talk to me about this? I know you’re going to be fine, but I’ll get into contact with Pam and perhaps we can meet up for coffee if she has time. ‘
    Rosalind sighed. ‘The House Organisers should have her unit ready for her by Sunday afternoon, but she’s planning on coming down here to see me on that morning. She had tenants, but they moved out yesterday.’
    Over the years, I have encountered victims of every age, sex and social strata, and criminals both vile and petty. Body language is second nature to me and I knew my dear friend was very worried indeed.
    With David off up on the Darling Downs and Rosalind facing a life-saving operation, surely nothing more could go awry?

    Rehearsal with a Swine
    Saturday, 3.45AM
    No matter how long I’ve been awake staring into the darkness or reading, I always lurch into wakefulness with heart-pounding shock when the alarm clock goes off. I fumbled for the switch until the buzzing stopped,

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