joined on Solstice eve for all eternity by the Druid priests."
    He sat back on his heel. "Married?"
    Sabrina laughed, pushing lightly on his chest. "Yes, married. I believe you were some sort of leader; you wore a heavy, golden torque around your neck. I called you Declan."
    "And the Mavourneen ?"
    Sabrina reached up, her hand running along his chin, the dark stubble tickling her fingers. "It's what you called me, although my name was Siobhan."
    "I like Mavourneen better."
    The ancient word came out like a caress, the soft whisper of his breath across her cheek, the deep intensity of his gaze, sweeping over her. Her hand sought his, their fingers threading together as she leaned up, meeting his lips as they descended towards her own.
    A low, animalistic sound filled the air when the kiss deepened, his hand curving around to cup the back of her head, tilting it. Sabrina's hand slid up his chest, curling around his neck as he pulled her closer, standing up and walking towards the altar.
    He bent, laying her carefully on the flat, cloth covered stone, their lips parting reluctantly.
    "You do realize," Sabrina said softly as he trailed his hand down her side, ghosting over her curves, "that we have no protection." She found it hard to think with him so near, and her body so aroused, but it needed to be addressed, before they went any further.
    His hand hovered over her hip as his gaze traveled upwards, finally meeting her eyes. "And? I think that's kind of the point of this whole thing, isn't it? Solstice was a fertility rite, if I remember my history correctly."
    Sabrina frowned. "I'm not on the pill," she said, a bit more firmly, inhaling sharply when his hand moved down her thigh, slipping up underneath the denim of her skirt to brush against her bare leg.
    "I can live with the consequences," he said, kneeling before her, his other hand sliding her zipper down.
    Sabrina leaned up on her elbows, floored. "So, if I were to get pregnant by what happens here, you'd what?"
    Patrick leaned forward, brushing a kiss against the back of her knee. "I take my responsibilities seriously, Sabrina. If you get pregnant, you won't be alone."
    Her mouth dropped open and she stared, speechless.
    He began to chuckle. "Surprise you?"
    Sabrina nodded, moaning when he began kissing his way up her thigh. Big hands framed her hips, pulling her skirt down her legs. He stood once more, his gaze never leaving hers as he began to undress, his clothing dropping beside them in a growing pile.
    Her head lifted and she watched as he revealed more and more skin. Dark, curling hair covered his chest, a thick trail that narrowed as it went down his stomach, spreading out once more to frame the thick, heavy length of his cock. He looked like a god, all muscles and tanned skin and so overtly masculine. His big hand curled around his length, stroking lightly—one of the most erotic things she'd ever seen in her life. Liquid heat rushed through her, pooling at her center as she shifted restlessly on the altar. It was soft and warm, far softer than stone should have been, almost like a nest of down feathers.
    With unsteady hands, she pushed herself up, grasping the edge of her top and pulled it up and over her head with one smooth motion, then dropping it onto the pile. His eyes darkened and they focused on the tight nubs of her nipples pressing against the nearly sheer material of her bra.
    Reaching behind her, she undid the clasp and shrugged her shoulders, letting the material fall away. A flush crept up her neck, but she forced herself to meet his gaze, rising up on her knees as her fingers hooked into the edge of the elastic band of her panties.
    "Don't stop," he said hoarsely, his gaze transfixed on the thatch of reddish curls at the juncture of her thighs, the thin cotton hiding nothing.
    Sabrina bit her lip and hesitated briefly before pulling them down and off, tossing them onto the pile of clothing.
    Atop her before she could even take a breath; he pressed

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