Secret Schemes and Daring Dreams

Free Secret Schemes and Daring Dreams by Rosie Rushton

Book: Secret Schemes and Daring Dreams by Rosie Rushton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosie Rushton
father’s desk, installed Harriet in the guest room (and assured her that yes, the bathrobe was for her to wear and no, she hadn’t broken the taps – they switched off on their own because her father was so waste-conscious), she flopped down on the bed, grabbed her laptop and ran her eye down the incoming messages until she found the one she had known for sure would be there.
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Hi! So how’s it going? Got your text about Harriet’s boyfriend. I died laughing about the penguins: unreal! Everything’s cool here; the chalet’s OK, or at least it will be when I’ve finished with it. Apparently two guys had it last and you should have seen the bathroom – gross! Anyway, I’ve already been to the market and got throws and plants and loads of floor cushions to cover up the grotty carpet and it’s looking really cool. Adam’s chalet is next door but one – he’s sharing with an Aussie guy but hopefully he’ll spend most of the time with me! And guess what? Angus – he’s the camp leader – has said I can help organise the weekly swimming gala and maybe teach diving – isn’t that great?
    Emma sighed and shook her head in disbelief. Some people’s idea of cool was way off centre.
    So what did George say about the party? It had better be a massive ‘Yes’ because Adam is so psyched up. I reckon he thinks this is his chance to prove to big brother that he’s in a cool crowd too! But there’s so much to sort – bands, food, decorations . . . Freddie talks big but, when it comes to detail, he’s useless. We’re relying on you, OK?
    Don’t forget it’s my birthday Wednesday – and it’s my day off! So how about you meet me for lunch? Mum’s sent me a pretty decent cheque so I feel a big spend coming on.
    Got to go – Adam’s playing in the staff against the kids football match and I’m in charge of cheerleaders! There’s a really fit guy here called Luke – not that I’m interested ofcourse, but I’ll try and fix it for you to meet him when you come over. Even you couldn’t resist him!
    Get back to me and dish the dirt on the county set! Hugs, Lucy
    Why, Emma thought, clicking on the Reply button, did everyone think she needed a guy in order to be fulfilled? She had a life plan and the slot for a serious relationship wasn’t scheduled for another five years, after she had got her degree and established herself in her own business. Then, and only then, would she think about getting serious with someone from the City with a view to marriage (on her terms, of course and with a pre-nup) at around twenty-eight. Till then, guys were fine for the occasional snog – Freddie for one – but beyond that, forget it.
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Hi! Glad you’ve got your laptop – I ran out of space when I tried to text and there’s so much to tell you! First of all, THE PARTY’S ON! The Knightleys are fine about it, so you can tell Freddie it’s a goer. Wednesday’s fine – I’ll pick you up at 11 – and please get it into your head that I am NOT INTERESTED in guys, OK? Unless, of course, they are for someone else – I just have to tell you about my latest stroke of genius. Theo Elton – remember him? Well, he’s staying with George for a bit and I just know he’s perfect for Harriet. I mean, think about it: he’s dead sensitive and she needs someone like that, what with her mother . . .
    She paused, and then deleted the last four words. She reckoned Harriet didn’t need the whole world to know about her mother.
    and she needs a guy with money because she’s totally skint. He’s moderately fit and he’s got style, unlike that loser, Rob. The whole thing’s perfect. And before you say that I’m going off on one –

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