A Sensible Arrangement
    â€œI assure you, gentlemen, it wasn’t quite that dramatic. The stage was attacked, that much is true, but Marty . . . Mrs. Wythe tells me that she only saw two men approach. She fired at them, along with the men responsible for the stage. She has no way of knowing that anyone was wounded by herefforts, however. I also assure you that while she did find it necessary to take charge of the stage, she in no way sought publicity for her actions.”
    â€œRelax, Mr. Wythe. No one here is taking umbrage with you or Mrs. Wythe,” Morgan interjected. “In fact, I find it all rather amusing. I can hardly imagine Imogene being as capable in her velvets and silks.”
    â€œYou’ve got yourself a regular Annie Oakley,” Keystone added. “Sounds like she’s a woman who can hold her own. Did you see the picture they drew of her? I don’t know if it’s a good likeness or not, but she looked like she could have taken on an entire army.”
    Jake had indeed seen the drawing. He had purposefully hid the newspaper from Marty, however. He knew she had no desire for public attention, and this might only make her worry that her sister would learn the truth of what had happened before she had a chance to write and explain.
    â€œI did see it. It looks nothing like her,” he answered honestly. “And she only had one pistol, not two. I’m afraid the artist took great license with his rendition.”
    â€œWell, I enjoyed the article all the same,” Mr. Palmer threw in. “I enjoyed it immensely.”
    Jake wasn’t at all sure how to respond. Despite having told Marty otherwise, he had figured once word got out about her unseemly arrival, any desire to see him or his wife in public social settings would be discarded. But now it seemed as if these men were actually admiring Marty’s performance. He sat down rather hard and awaited further comment.
    â€œShe’s a real novelty,” Morgan continued. “I can hardly wait to meet her. Imogene said that she must be a woman of divine courage.”
    That comment caused Jake to let out his breath in relief. If Mrs. Morgan hailed Marty as a conquering heroine, then all would be well. The community would no doubt take a cue from her.
    â€œI believe she is,” Jake replied. He rubbed his sweaty palms against his trouser legs. “Thank you.”
    â€œWell, that brings us to our other reason for coming by,” Morgan continued. “Imogene is planning a party for Valentine’s Day, as she does each year. Only this year, she wants to incorporate a celebration to honor you and Mrs. Wythe. There will be a supper and dance, although we will end the festivities by ten since the fourteenth does fall on a Tuesday.”
    Jake nodded and wrote a note to himself regarding the party. “That is very kind.”
    â€œWe will expect you by six so that you and Mrs. Wythe might stand in the receiving line and greet our guests. It will be the perfect way to introduce you. It will be a formal affair, so you will be expected to attire yourself accordingly. Do you have white tie and tails?”
    â€œI do. If you’ll recall, you helped me arrange a very fine suit of clothing for the Christmas season,” Jake replied.
    â€œOf course.” Morgan nodded and looked to his friends. “My tailor is the best in town.” He looked back to Jake. “That will be exactly right for the Valentine’s party. I’m sure that Mrs. Wythe will have something lovely to wear.”
    â€œBut tell her to leave her six-shooter at home,” Cooper teased. “We wouldn’t want her rewarding us with a repeat of her arrival into our great city.”
    The other men laughed, but Jake could only muster a smile. He still felt uneasy with these men and their place in society. He was a fish out of water, and they knew it aswell as he did. Truth be told, Jake was almost certain they preferred it

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