Dead Life (Book 3)

Free Dead Life (Book 3) by D. Harrison Schleicher

Book: Dead Life (Book 3) by D. Harrison Schleicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Harrison Schleicher
Tags: Zombies
                  I gave the legless zombie a quick hack to the head with my sword.  It's brains spilled around his head.  I followed Gina back to the porch.  I couldn't help wonder why all the blood with the heads rolling about and guts slopping around on the ground didn't bother her as much as the smell.  I got back to the porch and sat down next to Gina.  She was staring straight ahead and had resumed eating her dinner.
                  “Are you okay, honey?”
                  “Yeah, I'm just sick of these fucking bastards.  I can't even finish a meal.  These people need to get the hell out of here.  It's just too close to the highway.”
                  “You're right.  Les needs to think about moving his family some place else.” 
                  “We'll talk to him about it.  I don't feel safe spending the night here.”
                  “I don't feel safe spending the night anywhere.  We'll have to have someone stay up and pull guard duty.”
                  We went inside and talked to Les.  They had a cabin three miles further down the gravel road leading to the farm.  We could all go there for the night.  It was secluded and far enough away that we should be safe for the night.  We took the Hummer and Les' truck and all of us went to the cabin.  Gina, Cindy, Al and I rode in the Hummer and Rick rode with Les and his family.  The cabin was a large one room building with plenty of room for everyone.  We'd just be using our sleeping bags and sleeping on the floor. 
                  Rick insisted on taking the first watch.  He swore up and down he would be fine.  He said there was “no way he'd ever fall asleep on watch ever again.”  Al finally relented and let Rick take first watch.  He'd take the second and I'd take the third.
                  It felt like I'd only been asleep for a minute when Al shook me awake.  I followed him outside.
                  “It's been quiet.  I haven't seen anything all night.”
                  “Maybe we got far enough away.  Do you think they can smell us or hear us?”
                  “Probably both.”  Al said.  “The sat phone in the Hummer was ringing a few hours ago so I answered it.  Your son told me to tell you hello.”
                  “Is that all?”
                  “No, he said they were headed for Fort Leonard Wood.  He wants you to meet him there.”
                  “What do you think?”
                  “I told him I'd talk to you.  It sounds like it might be a good idea.  It is pretty far off the beaten path and there is lots of wooded land around there.  Shit Steve, I don't think it matters where we go.  Eventually, the zombies are going to show up.”
                  “He was at Fort A.P. Hill.  Did he say what happened there?”
                  “It was about to be overrun by zombies.  They bugged out.”
                  “Did he say anything else?”
                  “No, your sat phone died.  It's got a charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter.  Did you ever think of actually using it?”
                  “It was fully charged when we left the store.  I thought it would be okay for a few days.”
                  “It's been a few days.  I plugged it in.  I'm going to bed.”
                  Al went inside and left me alone.  It was a clear night and the moon was almost full.  The woods had been cleared around the cabin so if anything came at us, I should have plenty of time to do something about it.  The rest of the night I spent walking around the cabin.  If I walked real slow, it took two minutes to do a lap around the cabin.  Then I'd pace back and forth in front six times, do another lap, and then sit

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