Just Believe
curves--being concerned for his
    Whoa. Put Annabelle Tinker out of your
mind, Gaelen. She's human and off-limits to the likes of
    But Annabelle...
    Could she be the same girl? It had been
over fifteen years ago, and he hadn't seen her clearly, being
somewhat preoccupied with his own situation. He had been still
reeling after going from the arms of the incomparable Carly
O'Malley--a totally exhilarating experience, if memory served--to
freezing his wings off in an ammonia sea on Jupiter. He'd forced
himself back to Earth, but needed a place to rest. He'd limped to a
tool shed before going home to face the old man.
    The pre-adolescent girl who'd found him
there--her warm brown eyes widening with shock at his nakedness,
but sparkling at the sight of his wings--had brought him water and
bandages and promised milk and cookies before a booming bass voice
called her in for the night.
    Of course, it was the same girl. Though
Jumbo Tinker had not been a close friend, Gaelen knew his house was
in the same neighborhood and that he had two daughters.
    Gaelen frowned when the guard took her
elbow and pulled her toward the front of the hospital. The wave of
possessiveness washing over him was totally inappropriate. He
squashed it.
    At that moment, Gaelen knew how he
could get to Lucas. And to Erin.
    And he hated himself for it.
    * * * *
    Annabelle rode up in the elevator,
purposely emptying her mind of any thoughts at all. She was tired.
That's all it was.
    But why would she imagine Gaelen Riley
flying past Erin's window?
    "Ms. Tinker?" Dr. Duncan's voice
stirred her from her musing. "Are you all right?"
    "Yes, thank you. I'm fine. But I think
I need some sleep. Would it be possible to have a cot moved into
Erin's room?"
    "No, I'm afraid not. It's against the
policy of this ward. In fact, I shouldn't have allowed you to stay
last night. Someone should have shooed you out of here hours ago,"
the doctor replied with a smile. "Would you like to have someone
drive you home?"
    "No, thank you. I'm fine. I'll just
look in on Erin."
    Dr. Duncan stepped in front of her.
"Erin is sleeping. I put your bag and coat at the front desk. Come,
I'll walk you to the elevator."
    "Please, Ms Tinker. There are rules.
You aren't supposed to be here now."
    "How did Dr. Riley get up here,
    Dr. Duncan's pixie green eyes widened.
"You saw him? Did Gaelen mention why he'd dropped by?"
    "He said he was looking for his
brother. He's concerned that he hasn't seen Lucas in a few
    "Really?" Dr. Duncan smiled.
    The familiarity with which Dr. Duncan
spoke Gaelen's name stirred up an uneasy and unidentifiably
unattractive feeling. She tried--unsuccessfully--to convince
herself it was curiosity only, and that on Erin's
    "How well do you, ah, know him...them?
Lucas and his brother?" she asked, using Lucas as an excuse for her
    "I don't know Lucas well at all. I've
only met him once or twice. I'm much better acquainted with Gaelen.
We move in the same circles, you see." Dr. Duncan stopped in front
of the nurse's desk, a pensive look on her face, then she reached
behind it and retrieved Annabelle's bag and windbreaker. "Oh, dear,
you should be wearing a heavier coat with the raw blustering wind,"
she said as she handed it over.
    The beeper in the doctor's pocket cut
off further conversation.
    "Good night, Ms. Tinker. I trust I'll
see you tomorrow?"
    Offering a thin smile and quick
handshake, Dr. Duncan left Annabelle by the nurse's station,
turning and marching down the corridor, a destination clearly in
mind. Watching her, an uneasy twinge coursed along Annabelle's
spine. The woman's reaction to Gaelen Riley seemed out-of-place,
though Annabelle had absolutely no explanation for why she felt
that way. Her reporter's mind filing that tidbit away to chew on
later, Annabelle turned her mind to the task at hand.
    Lucas Riley was waiting in her

Chapter Six

    Lucas jerked awake when Annabelle
tapped on the window. He reached

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