A Witch's Love

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Authors: Erin Bluett
front porch. His name is George Wilcox. He’s lived here his whole life. If anyone knows, it will be him.”
    With a nod and thanks, they turned to see what Mr. Wilcox would have to say.
    As they stepped out onto the porch of the café, Lucas spotted the older man sitting in a rocking chair. “Are you Mr. Wilcox?”
    The man halted the rocking motion of the chair and squinted up at them, causing deep wrinkles to form around his eyes. “That depends on who’s asking.” He leaned back and started to rock once more.
    Lucas smiled. He and George Wilcox were going to get along.
    “I’m Lucas Grant and the lady standing beside me is Ava Worthington. We were wondering if we could ask you a few questions?”
    Mr. Wilcox struggled to stand and Lucas moved to help him get his balance.
    “Thanks, lad, my knees are not what they used to be.” He straightened. “Now what can I do for you, Lucas Grant?”
    “We were wondering if you had ever heard of a woman named Belinda Turner.”
    Mr. Wilcox lip twitch into a slight smile. “What would you want with her?”
    “Ava’s mother, who is no longer with us, was friends with Belinda. Ava would love to meet her and share memories of her mother.” Lucas couldn’t believe their luck.
    Mr. Wilcox nodded. “I understand. Let me see, I haven’t seen Belinda in years, but last I heard she lived up in Saratoga Springs.”
    Lucas could feel Ava tense at his side. He reached out to comfort her and grabbed hold of her hand. It took her less than a second to shake him off.
    “Thank you, Mr. Wilcox. We appreciate your help.” Lucas followed Ava off the porch.
    The old man called to them as they reached the car, “Tell Belinda when you see her, George Wilcox says ‘Hi.’”
    “Will do.” Lucas threw her bag back in the trunk then settled into the car. He lowered his visor as he said, “This is good. Saratoga is not that far from here.”
    “But it doesn’t mean she will be there. The man said he hadn’t seen her in years.”
    “Well, it’s a good start.” He revved the engine and turned on the radio on, hoping to cut the tension in the car. To his surprise, Ava reached over and shut the radio off.
    “Are you immortal, too?”
    Okay, talk about getting right to the point . She must have learned that from Maeve. “Yes, I am.”
    “How old are you?”
    He sighed. “One hundred and three.” He glanced over, but her expression was unchanged.
    “You look good for an old man.” She looked out the window once again, but he was sure he saw her lips curve up in a smile.
    “I became immortal when I was twenty-eight. That would explain why I look good for an old man.” He tried not to be annoyed at the ‘old man’ comment. For a Lycan, he’d be considered young.
    “What makes you think that I’m going to turn immortal soon?”
    “I can sense it in you, just like I could sense you were a witch.” He saw her nod out of the corner of his eye.
    “So, how does it work? Turning immortal, I mean?”
    She would ask the questions he didn’t want to answer, but lying to her wasn’t an option. “It’s not pleasant, but it’s over within twenty-four hours, and after, you feel great. In any case, I will be there with you when it happens. I promise.”
    “What makes you think I’d want you to be with me? I’m only with you right now because I have no other choice.”
    He stiffened at her words as he jerked the car to the side of the road. If this is where the conversation was going, then they were going to hash it out.
    “I can understand your fear of me . . . the fear you feel for your family, but maybe you haven’t noticed I’m trying to help you. I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand why you are angry with me.” He searched her face, but it didn’t give him any clues as to what she thought.
    “Yes, I was scared of you last night but I’m not afraid anymore. I’m angry. Angry at you for not telling me . . . everything. I might have been able to protect my sisters

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