A Witch's Love

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Book: A Witch's Love by Erin Bluett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Bluett
from the demons, or been more prepared for you changing into a beast.” Her voice bordered on petulant and her eyes flared sapphire again.
    His blood heated, a sign of the beast, wanting to be released. “Just when do you think was a good time to tell you I was a lycan and you were a witch? It may seem like we have known each other for a lot longer than a week, but the subject is not exactly first date conversation.” He sighed. “Then, of course, there was the issue of whether you would believe me.”
    She dropped back against the seat. “It damn well should have been mentioned before you made me care for you.” She turned toward him, tears glistening in her eyes. “I trusted you.”
    He softened at her words. “Ava, I am truly sorry I did not tell you sooner, but I believed that I was protecting you by waiting.” He searched her face, but couldn’t tell if she believed him. “You must realize you are important to me. I would never hurt you.” He caught a single tear on her fingertip as it made a path down her cheek. That glistening drop motivated him in a way the demon attacks never could. I would never hurt you. “I promise, we will get your sisters back.” She quieted, then leaned back and shoved the hair off her forehead.
    As their gazes met, his body stiffened.
    Her eyes searched his. “I’m going to need a little time to figure all this out.”
    Lucas sat back and started the car once more before he turned to her. “I understand but just know that I’m not giving up on us . . . ever.”
    “Will you shut up?” Traxen shouted at the witches. They were driving him mad with their incessant jabbering. The sewer they were in just enhanced the noise bouncing off the concrete.
    The one they called Ella appeared to be incredibly feisty. Even when the demons hit her, she continued to goad in spite of the blood running from her lip. He’d admired her attitude, but he’d need to watch her. She was trouble.
    He should never have blinked the witches to the hive in NYC so soon after their capture. It wasn’t until later, when Zatar wanted an accounting of events, that he realized his folly. He was short one witch. The torture he’d received for his foolishness was nothing he had not endured before. However, the pain did make him more motivated to remedy his mistake.
    He had heard rumors of a group of demons being slaughtered near the witch’s house. The only reason demons would engage a fight would be if they sensed power. That area would be his first stop on the way back to the witch’s house. With luck, he’d be able to sense what might have happened there.
    Maybe the demons sensed the fourth witch, attacking in hopes of capturing her, and just maybe she was not alone. There were few immortal beings capable of taking out a swarm of demons. Nevertheless, if the fourth witch did have someone helping her, then he would enjoy torturing them as well.
    “Sit tight, my pets. I will be back with your sister soon.” Traxen yanked on the chain that bound their hands, but before he was able to turn away, Ella lunged at him, spitting in his face. It took him a second to register her insult. He raised his hand then realized beating her would do little to remedy her behavior. He lowered his hand, then stroked his chin as he looked at the girls.
    “Well, well, which one of your sisters should pay for that?”
    He grabbed Thea by the hair and heard Ella’s sharp intake of breath. Just as he suspected. “The rules have changed, Ella. You might want to think about what you do in the future. If you don’t, one of your sisters might get hurt for your stupidity.” With his attention on Ella, he backhanded Thea across the face.
    To his disappointment, Thea refused to cry out. No matter, he would have years of fun with the witches. After all, this was after all their new home until they turned immortal. Zatar would need them after that but until then, they were his to play with. “You might want to conserve your strength

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