A Witch's Love

Free A Witch's Love by Erin Bluett

Book: A Witch's Love by Erin Bluett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Bluett
    Her eyes threw daggers at him before she stalked past. He sighed as he followed her to a table. Few people filled the small fisherman’s café, which smelled of fresh fish and bread. The plain brown walls looked in need of a new coat of paint but the overhead lighting brought warmth to the room.
    He noticed Ava had picked up a vinyl menu. Smiling, he did the same, then took note of the selection. “So, what are you getting?” She couldn’t keep up this minimalist conversation forever, could she?
    “I don’t know. I’m not really hungry.” She closed her menu and rested her hands in her lap. “Can I have my bag now?”
    He glanced at her over the menu. “Come on, there has to be something that you like.”
    She shook her head, not meeting his gaze. “Why are we even here? Can’t you just hunt for our food, being part beast and all?”
    He couldn’t keep the amusement from his voice. “I admit to enjoying raw meat. I didn’t realize you did as well.”
    She turned to glare at him.
    “You have quite the sharp tongue, don’t you?”
    “I’m sorry if my behavior has not met your expectations. It’s not everyday that you learn your ex can turn into a beast,” she said as she picked up her menu once more.
    “I am not your ex.”
    At his words, she slammed her menu down on the table. “What are you, then? My pet?”
    “Nothing has changed between us. You just happen to be a little sore with me at the moment.” Damn it all to hell, she looked beautiful when she was mad. Her eyes shone like sapphires.
    “A ‘little sore’ with you? I don’t know what you are accustomed to, but I am more than a little ‘sore’ at you.” Her mouth snapped shut when the waitress arrived at their table.
    “What can I get you guys?” The waitress’ dark hair fell over her shoulder as she drew a pad and pen from her apron pocket.
    Ava handed her the menu.
    Without taking his eyes off of Ava, he replied, “We will both have the roast beef sandwich with fries and two iced teas please.”
    Ava gave him with a startled look.
    After the waitress left with their order, he answered her unspoken question. “I remembered roast beef was your favorite meal.”
    “Whatever, can I have my clothes now?”
    He handed her the bag and watched her disappear toward a restroom sign. His eyes traveled from the restroom sign to the black phone beside it. He shouldn’t wait any longer to call Aiden. He strode to the pay phone, inserted a quarter, then dialed his number.
    Straight to voicemail. Perfect . He left a brief message summing up the recent events and a promise to call him soon.
    A few minutes later, Ava reappeared in jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt. She wouldn’t meet his eyes as she let the bag fall to her feet. Her golden-blond locks still held luster as they waved around her shoulders and face, yet she looked pale.
    She glanced at him as their food arrived at the table. He wanted to say something to lift her spirits but words eluded him.
    They ate in silence for several minutes, but then her voice broke through the drone of the overhead fan.
    “So, if I had questions about you and this situation, could I expect a straight answer, or are there things you still won’t tell me?” She seemed to want to gauge his reaction.
    He straightened in his chair, leveling his gaze on hers. “Ava, I have never, nor will I ever, lie to you. Ask what you wish, I will tell you as much as I know.”
    She turned her attention back to her food, twirling a fry in the catsup on her plate.
    He wasn’t going to pressure her. She could ask what she wanted to know when she was ready.
    When they finished eating, they headed to the front counter to pay the bill. This would be a good time to see if anyone knew a Belinda Turner. “Excuse me, miss.”
    He handed her a twenty for the meal. “Do you know a Belinda Turner?”
    “Never heard of her, but I just moved here a few years back. You might want to ask that older man sitting on the

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